  • Letter: Naysayers’ wasting EDC time, money

    Letter: Naysayers’ wasting EDC time, money

    To the community, Like in today’s national political climate, the “flamethrowers” causing a stir tend to be the minority with the loudest voices. Few who support or are indifferent reach out to send their praise for the ideals that are legitimately making their way through the system. As such, we are seeing a similar situation […]

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  • Opinion: When friends are ‘like family’

    Opinion: When friends are ‘like family’

    By Deborah Tannen, New York Times “My friends are the sisters I was meant to have,” a woman told me. Another said that her friends are more precious than her sisters because they remember things from her past that her sisters don’t and can’t, since they weren’t there. And a man commented that he didn’t […]

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  • Letter: Community makes Drug Store Project a success

    Letter: Community makes Drug Store Project a success

    To the community, So, how did you spend your day? I spent mine with the most amazing group of people who care about our youth. I am humbled by the amount of work and effort provided by so many community members, our service clubs, and agencies that serve the Lake Tahoe area. On March 29, […]

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  • Opinion: New Golden Rule of playing outside

    Opinion: New Golden Rule of playing outside

    By Christopher Solomon, Outside Earlier this season, ski tracks appeared on Josies Ridge above Jackson, Wyoming. Ski tracks around Jackson usually aren’t news. But the Forest Service closes Josies and other areas to recreationists from December through April to give deer and elk a break from human disturbance during the winter. Signs announce the closures. […]

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  • Editorial: What are Nevada lawmakers hiding?

    Editorial: What are Nevada lawmakers hiding?

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the March 27, 2016, Reno Gazette-Journal. In the final hours of last year’s Nevada Legislature, a bill was rushed through and passed unanimously making almost all communications by lawmakers secret. This harms the public’s interest in understanding the actions of their representatives. The state Senate and Assembly have the […]

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  • Letter: Filipino cuisine a hit at B&B

    Letter: Filipino cuisine a hit at B&B

    To the community, Once a year, the Filipino community comes together to host a Filipino themed meal that is thoroughly enjoyed by every diner who attends their Bread & Broth sponsorship dinner. Normally the Monday evening dinners are prepared by the B&B volunteer cooks.  However, due to their wonderful cooking skills and the amazing Filipino […]

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  • Letter: ZCTCF grateful for Soroptimist grant

    Letter: ZCTCF grateful for Soroptimist grant

    To the community, Zephyr Cove Tennis Club Foundation is extremely grateful for the generous grant from Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra. We will use this money to expand our junior tennis program, which starts in May and runs through August. It is open to all first- through eighth-graders. The Soroptimist award will allow us to […]

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  • Opinion: Nev. has its own toxic water troubles

    Opinion: Nev. has its own toxic water troubles

    By John L. Smith, Las Vegas Review-Journal The water crisis in Flint, Mich., has gone national with blanket media coverage. The problem is as plain as the brown muck that’s been flowing from kitchen faucets. President Obama and a long slate of lesser political figures have sounded the alarm and weighed in on the subject […]

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  • Letter: Library thanks service clubs for help

    Letter: Library thanks service clubs for help

    To the community, The South Lake Tahoe Library would like to thank our community, Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra and South Lake Tahoe Optimist Club for supporting our upcoming Summer Reading Challenge. Through donations from the community both of these organizations were able to sponsor performers for the Summer Reading Challenge. Soroptimist International of Tahoe […]

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  • Opinion: Sun always shines on Calif. Empire

    Opinion: Sun always shines on Calif. Empire

    By Joe Mathews The sun has set on the British Empire. Its successor, America, is showing signs of decline. But one empire still has plenty of battery life: California. This is true even in the capital of the old empire. When I visited London earlier this month, the newspapers were full of stories about the […]

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