  • Editorial: Saving for when March miracle goes away

    Editorial: Saving for when March miracle goes away

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the March 16, 2016, Sacramento Bee. The snowpack is back and the water is rising. Between last weekend’s storms and this weekend’s forecast, drought-weary California appears to have gotten the March miracle we were all hoping for. That’s the good news. The bad news is that, between this state’s […]

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  • Opinion: Acts by Calif. politicians have backfired

    Opinion: Acts by Calif. politicians have backfired

    By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee When Gov. Jerry Brown unveiled a criminal sentencing reform measure last month, he cited the “unintended consequences” of a law he had signed nearly 40 years earlier. Brown said he didn’t foresee that the 1977 law, setting rigid sentences for felons, would remove “incentives for inmates to improve themselves” and […]

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  • Letter: Austin’s House says thank you

    Letter: Austin’s House says thank you

    To the community, The board of directors, staff and children of Austin’s House would like to thank the entire community for the tremendous support of our 2015 Appeal For Kids and 2016 Cowboy Mardi Gras fundraisers. The 2015 Appeal For Kids ended on Jan. 31 and our generous community stepped up once again to help […]

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  • Opinion: Being prepared for a hospital visit

    Opinion: Being prepared for a hospital visit

    By Dawn Evans At Barton Health we strive to provide consistently exceptional care for our patients and their families. But what can someone do before a hospital visit is needed or after being released? Here are some safety tips to help you and your loved ones stay safe, healthy, and out of harm’s way. Focus […]

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  • Letter: Loop road may not be best for SLT

    Letter: Loop road may not be best for SLT

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to the South Lake Tahoe City Council and city manager. It is published with permission. Dear Mayor David, Council Members, and City Manager Kerry: Once again, thank you for your work and service to the people of South Lake Tahoe. I know that you all want to do what […]

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  • Opinion: Graffiti destroying national landmarks

    Opinion: Graffiti destroying national landmarks

    By Marjorie “Slim” Woodruff, High Country News The Coconino sandstone at Grand Canyon means many things to many people. To the hiker, it indicates that he or she is almost at the top. To the artist, it is a graceful sweep of sculptured stone, and to the geologist, it evokes the trade winds blowing across […]

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  • Opinion: Importance of not driving while sleepy

    Opinion: Importance of not driving while sleepy

    By Janelle Fallen Dunham The switch to daylight-saving time often means losing an hour of sleep for many people.  The California Highway Patrol  joins the National Sleep Foundation in observing National Sleep Awareness Week, March 6-12, to highlight the importance of drivers being aware of the potential dangers of the time shift. “Many people have […]

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  • Opinion: A better plan for the Stateline area

    Opinion: A better plan for the Stateline area

    Publisher’s note: This first ran in the March 2016 issue of the Tahoe Mountain News and is reprinted with permission. By Taylor Flynn I’ll come right out and say it. I’m opposed to the loop road. But it’s not because I’m a naysayer – it’s because I’m an optimist. It’s because I think there are […]

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  • Opinion: Loop road promises are a farce

    Opinion: Loop road promises are a farce

    By Jerome Evans The Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) has dressed up what has been known for years as the loop road project with terms such as “community revitalization”, “main street”, “gateway”, “walkability” and “affordable housing”, but it still makes no more sense than it did years ago. I believe it is time to separate fact from […]

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  • Opinion: Why is it so hard to serve healthy food in schools?

    Opinion: Why is it so hard to serve healthy food in schools?

    By Katie Arnold, Outside The other morning my 5-year-old daughter begged me to let her buy lunch at school. I typically pack her and her 7-year-old sister an almond-butter sandwich, carrot sticks, and a sliced apple, but we’d gotten a late start to the day and my husband and I were chasing them around with […]

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