  • Opinion: Los Angeles for president

    Opinion: Los Angeles for president

    By Joe Mathews Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is flirting with a presidential bid. Here is the announcement speech he should give. America, I am running to restore a sense of decency, kindness, propriety, community, morality, and—of course—a fear of God.         I can lead this righteous crusade for one reason: I come from Los Angeles. […]

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  • Opinion: Preventing more Parklands

    Opinion: Preventing more Parklands

    By Tom McClintock For years the left has attacked the Second Amendment as the progenitor of gun violence, and demonized the millions of Americans who support their right of self-defense as abettors of child murder. Yet it is the policies of the left that have produced this tragically familiar story: a deranged individual, known to […]

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  • Letter: Volunteers make difference at B&B

    Letter: Volunteers make difference at B&B

    To the community, The week of April 22 was Pay it Forward week. To honor this concept of making a difference in another person’s life, Bread & Broth’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment meal on April 23 was sponsored by John McDougall’s Pay it Forward grant and members of Unity at the Lake Church.   […]

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  • Opinion: SLT’s transparency remains elusive

    Opinion: SLT’s transparency remains elusive

    By Kathryn Reed “If they don’t trust you, they’ll keep asking for public records. There is nothing you can do but produce those records.” Those are the words of attorney Leah Castella of Burke, Williams and Sorensen, the outside law firm the city of South Lake Tahoe uses. Castella was at the special City Council […]

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  • Opinion: Cities reluctant to host big events

    Opinion: Cities reluctant to host big events

    By Mark Wilson, The Conversation Getting ready to welcome millions of visitors – as Russia is now doing in Moscow, Sochi and other cities in advance of the 2018 World Cup soccer tournament – takes years of planning and lots of construction. It’s also expensive: Building 12 stadiums in 11 cities cost Russia an estimated […]

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  • Opinion: Land use control key to Calif. housing crunch

    Opinion: Land use control key to Calif. housing crunch

    By Dan Walters, CALmatters   The death of far-reaching – even revolutionary – legislation to facilitate housing development crystallized a conflict that’s been simmering in California for decades: Who controls land use? Based on “police powers” in the state Constitution, cities and counties have, for many decades, regulated how land may be used. They do […]

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  • Letter: El Dorado County needs to vote smart

    Letter: El Dorado County needs to vote smart

    To the community, One of the great oxymorons for El Dorado County is that the political registrations are highly favorable to Republicans, so why do we have so many Democrats elected to our county offices? I get it that Democrats have certain policies that they favor, such as Sanctuary State, Planned Parenthood, hate Trump, gun […]

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  • Opinion: California save the queen

    Opinion: California save the queen

    By Joe Mathews MEMO To: Queen Elizabeth II From: Joe Mathews Re: Mutual respect Your majesty, I don’t mean to rush someone who just turned 92. But it’s high time that you showed California proper appreciation—by making our entire state an honorary member of the British royal family. Perhaps that seems a bit much, but […]

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  • Letter: Casino workers help at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Casino workers help at Bread & Broth

    To the community, The HEROs from Harrah’s and Harveys lived up to their name and mission by hosting a Bread & Broth dinner on April 16.  HEROs, a Caesar Entertainment employee organization, is committed to having members volunteer at charitable causes and give back to their community. Through their generosity, they are heroes to those […]

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  • Letter: Rethink restrictions on straws

    Letter: Rethink restrictions on straws

    To the community, Today I feel compelled to respond negatively to the proposed ban against plastic straws. The people that propose this ban have obviously not thought this through. If ever there was a threat of unintended consequences, this is one. If plastic straws were banned in South Lake Tahoe, there would be a negative […]

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