  • Letter: Heavenly takes a turn at B&B

    Letter: Heavenly takes a turn at B&B

    To the community, Thanks to the generous Vail EpicPromise Grant program funds awarded to Bread & Broth, 12 Monday evening meals are served annually through B&B’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment program. On a monthly basis, Heavenly Mountain Resort and Kirkwood Mountain Resort alternate hosting a dinner and sending a sponsor volunteer crew to work […]

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  • Opinion: El Dorado County out of control

    Opinion: El Dorado County out of control

      By Larry Weitzman At the last Board of Supervisors meeting on Dec. 15 item 40 on the calendar was to correct an error made by the CAO’s office in the annexation by El Dorado Hills Fire Department, the wealthiest district in the county, of Latrobe Fire, one of the poorest.  The annexation was performed […]

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  • Opinion: California has issues with its neighbors

    Opinion: California has issues with its neighbors

    By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee There’s always been an incongruity about California’s having three disparate states on its borders. As California’s population exploded during the 20th century, those of Nevada, Arizona and Oregon remained relatively sparse and today, collectively they have just one-third of California’s population. The economies of California and its neighbors developed differently, […]

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  • Editorial: Federal water bill deserves Calif.’s backing

    Editorial: Federal water bill deserves Calif.’s backing

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Dec. 16, 2016, Modesto Bee. Amid the worst drought in memory, California’s congressional delegation has failed once again to compromise on a $1.3 billion water bill that could deliver more water for farms and help the environment. When it became clear earlier this month that the latest effort on […]

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  • Opinion: Plenty to be proud of in Tahoe

    Opinion: Plenty to be proud of in Tahoe

    By Joanne Marchetta People at Lake Tahoe are working together like never before to restore our environment, revitalize our economy, and improve our communities. We saw significant progress all around the lake this year. And our progress is sustainable with continued partnership and collaboration, so critical to tackle the many challenges and important decisions on […]

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  • Letter: Meyers thankful for community’s support

    Letter: Meyers thankful for community’s support

    To the community, On behalf of the Meyers Community Foundation, we would like to sincerely thank a number of people and organizations for their assistance in making this year’s Meyers tree lighting celebration the best one yet. This event would not have been possible without the support of Sierra-at-Tahoe Resort, Rise Designs, Tahoe Journal, CalStar, […]

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  • Opinion: How California invented Christmas

    Opinion: How California invented Christmas

    By Joe Mathews Do the good citizens of New Orleans skip town during Mardi Gras? Do proper New Englanders take cruises when their trees display glorious fall colors? Would New Yorkers dare sneak out of Times Square 10 minutes before the ball drops on New Year’s Eve? Of course not. So why must I leave […]

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  • Opinion: LV Fire defends ambulance staffing

    Opinion: LV Fire defends ambulance staffing

    By Kileigh Labrado It has been and will remain the mission of the Lake Valley Fire Protection District to provide the highest level of public safety services for our community, its people, and the environment. As our motto states, it is “Because We Care”. Driven by these guiding principles, in 2001 the LVFPD entered into a partnership with the […]

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  • Letter: Homeless Coalition grateful for support

    Letter: Homeless Coalition grateful for support

    To the community, On behalf of Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless, I would like to thank our community for a successful opening of the South Lake Tahoe Warm Room. Peggy Eichorn and Kelly Pelcher from Coldwell Banker McKinney were instrumental in the search for a location for the Warm Room, and have been an unwavering […]

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  • Letter: Rotary appreciative of community’s help

    Letter: Rotary appreciative of community’s help

    To the community, Tahoe Douglas Rotary held its annual children’s Christmas party and traditional turkey dinner at the Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel. This event was held for Live Violence Free’s children and their families, and also Sierra Child and Family Services, who assist in placing foster children in the South Lake Tahoe area. Tahoe Douglas […]

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