  • Letter: Placer County must stop Squaw development

    Letter: Placer County must stop Squaw development

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to the Placer County Board of Supervisors this week and is reprinted with permission. To the Placer County Board of Supervisors, We are local businesses and nonprofit organizations writing to encourage responsible decision-making for Squaw Valley and the Tahoe-Truckee region. Each of us shares a deep commitment to the […]

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  • Opinion: Exercising self-discipline matters

    Opinion: Exercising self-discipline matters

    By David Mochel, Huffington Post I do not consider myself religious in any traditional sense, nor would I say that I am deeply patriotic, but I am tired of “American” and “Christian” being used as descriptors of what is happening in the popular discourse. I am tired of letting the loudest among us be those […]

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  • Opinion: When Muslims admired the West and were admired back

    Opinion: When Muslims admired the West and were admired back

    By Nile Green Is it right to talk about friendship in a time of hatred? More specifically, is it right to consider Muslim affection for the West when, from Boston to Paris to perhaps San Bernardino, Muslims appear to be saying we hate you? Security analysts have looked at the social profiles of the terrorists […]

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  • Letter: Timber Lodge helps at B&B

    Letter: Timber Lodge helps at B&B

    To the community, It’s always exciting to have a brand new sponsor for Bread & Broth’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment program. By partnering with B&B, our AAD donors get firsthand experience hosting and serving a hot, nutritious dinner and seeing the impact that their donation of $250 has on those who struggle with food […]

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  • Opinion: Brown Act not stopping illegal meetings

    Opinion: Brown Act not stopping illegal meetings

    By Daniel Borenstein, Bay Area News Group The principle underlying California’s local government open-meeting law is simple: The public’s business must be conducted in public. Yet 62 years after the passage of the Brown Act, some elected leaders still don’t get it. The most recent example comes from Emeryville, where a majority of school district […]

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  • Opinion: Federal highway bill good for Tahoe

    Opinion: Federal highway bill good for Tahoe

    By Carl Hasty The five-year, $305 billion federal transportation bill passed by Congress and signed into law Dec. 4 by President Obama includes a provision that will steer additional money to Lake Tahoe communities for roadway improvements and enhanced public transit service. The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act is the first long-term federal transportation […]

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  • Letter: SLT needs to keep banning plastic bags

    Letter: SLT needs to keep banning plastic bags

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to South Lake Tahoe City Council and is reprinted with permission. The council meets Dec. 7 at 9am with the plastic bag ban on the agenda. Dear City of South Lake Tahoe Council Members, I am strongly opposed to the possible repeal on single use plastic bags for small businesses […]

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  • Opinion: The younger you are, the less you support free speech

    Opinion: The younger you are, the less you support free speech

    By Michael McGough, Los Angeles Times Some interesting news from the Pew Research Center about the attitude of American millennials (ages 18-34) toward free speech. As part of a global survey of attitudes toward freedom of expression, Pew asked respondents if government should be able to prevent people from making offensive statements about minorities. In general, as befits […]

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  • Opinion: NV Energy aims to meet all customers’ needs

    Opinion: NV Energy aims to meet all customers’ needs

    By Kevin Geraghty, Las Vegas Review-Journal NV Energy has taken great care to keep rates stable while ensuring we are able to meet the energy needs of our state. Between 2006 and 2012, NV Energy engaged in an aggressive building-and-acquisition strategy to increase our owned-generating fleet, in order to shield our customers from unpredictable energy markets. […]

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  • Letter: Giving thanks for Second Serving

    Letter: Giving thanks for Second Serving

    To the community, Every Friday for the last six years, Bread & Broth has been partnering with Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church to feed the hungry through the Second Serving program. Second Serving meals consist of soup and a simple entrée such as pasta dishes, sloppy Joes and chili cheese dogs. They are served from […]

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