  • Editorial: End the gun epidemic in America

    Editorial: End the gun epidemic in America

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Dec. 4 New York Times. All decent people feel sorrow and righteous fury about the latest slaughter of innocents, in California. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies are searching for motivations, including the vital question of how the murderers might have been connected to international terrorism. That is right […]

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  • Opinion: Prevention can save lives

    Opinion: Prevention can save lives

    By Adam McGill Like all of you, I am heartbroken about the mass murders that occurred in San Bernardino on Dec. 2. All of us were victimized. Of course, not at the same level of the victims’ families, the San Bernardino community, or the courageous first responders, but nonetheless many of us sensed some level […]

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  • Editorial: Congress should approve Nev.’s daylight saving resolution

    Editorial: Congress should approve Nev.’s daylight saving resolution

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Nov. 16, 2015, Las Vegas Review-Journal. Daylight-saving time is a misnomer. Americans waste untold hours moving their clocks forward every spring and backward every fall, then dealing with the days of disorientation that accompany each adjustment. By ensuring that it stays hotter in summer evenings and gets darker […]

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  • Opinion: Why some tragedies matter more

    Opinion: Why some tragedies matter more

    By Gregory Rodriguez A terrorist attack on a familiar city can inspire a response among global observers not unlike that of motorists passing by a horrible car accident. We slow down to look, to try to understand what happened, see who was hurt, and wonder about the fate of the fallen. It isn’t blood and gore […]

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  • Letter: Ameriprise invests in community by volunteering

    Letter: Ameriprise invests in community by volunteering

    To the community, Every year in November, Ameriprise Financial advisors and employees participate in national days of service in partnership with Feeding America. This effort centers on helping the 49 million Americans, including 16 million children and 5.3 million seniors who face hunger in the United States. On Nov. 9, the South Lake Tahoe Ameriprise […]

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  • Opinion: Casino industry regulation changes ‘needed to happen’

    Opinion: Casino industry regulation changes ‘needed to happen’

    By Howard Stutz, Las Vegas Review-Journal The 2015 Nevada Legislature adjourned on June 1, but the session never ended for state gaming regulators. Six bills passed by lawmakers and signed by the governor brought aspects of Nevada’s gaming industry into the 21st century. But the legislation also required months of debate to change existing gaming regulations […]

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  • Opinion: Questioning EDC CAO’s past actions

    Opinion: Questioning EDC CAO’s past actions

      By Larry Weitzman Only five months into his tenure it is apparent interim CAO Larry Combs has firmly taken control of the county because the Board of Supervisors has all but conceded power to Combs. It looks as if the county has a new dictator. But are there problems developing as a result? Before […]

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  • Opinion: Snowmaking is logical even in a drought

    Opinion: Snowmaking is logical even in a drought

    By Richard Solbrig Winter has arrived in the Tahoe basin with very welcome early snow events and freezing night time temperatures, allowing snowmaking operations to commence to help open ski resorts early. Given California’s drought and the district’s request for continued water conservation, one may wonder about the wisdom of using water for snowmaking. While […]

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  • Opinion: Can roads designed for cars be safe for bikes?

    Opinion: Can roads designed for cars be safe for bikes?

    By Tim Hauserman, High Country News Pam Jahnke was riding her bike on a section of Highway 89 near Lake Tahoe in an area where Caltrans had just installed a new storm-drainage system. “The minute my tire hit the drain, I was air-bound and smacked down on the pavement in the middle of the road.” […]

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  • Opinion: SLT — 50 golden years and counting

    Opinion: SLT — 50 golden years and counting

    Publisher’s note: This is the final article in the series of stories about South Lake Tahoe’s 50th anniversary. The other stories may be accessed by going to the top of the page, select Special Projects, then SLT Turns 50. By Wendy David Leftovers are in the refrigerator and the feelings of gratefulness for being alive, having […]

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