  • Opinion: Feckless EDC Board of Supes

    Opinion: Feckless EDC Board of Supes

    By Larry Weitzman As El Dorado County salaries and benefits continue growing at an alarming rate, our Board of Supervisors just continues to go along for the EDC ride to ruination. Salaries and benefits last fiscal year ending on June 30 even exceeded my estimates by $3 million at $145 million, when just two years’ […]

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  • Opinion: Social media makes politics impossible to predict

    Opinion: Social media makes politics impossible to predict

    By Helen Margetts It’s the vital question of our era, the question undergirding the success of everyone from Donald Trump to Black Lives Matter: What makes some online campaigns go viral and others flop? Even after considerable research, it’s surprisingly hard to say. We have more data on failures, since most mobilizations based on social […]

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  • Opinion: Fantasy sports raises serious questions

    Opinion: Fantasy sports raises serious questions

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Nov. 6, 2015, Deseret News. Federal and local prosecutors in states such as New York, Florida, Massachusetts and Nevada are busy investigating the daily fantasy-sports industry to see whether it qualifies as gambling or violates various laws. The subject even led to a somewhat memorable political debate moment […]

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  • Opinion: Power plants threaten Utah’s ski industry

    Opinion: Power plants threaten Utah’s ski industry

    By Angel Collinson, Outside My younger brother John and I grew up in Snowbird Ski Resort’s employee housing, high in Utah’s Little Cottonwood Canyon, 30 minutes drive from downtown Salt Lake City and home to Snowbird and Alta, two of Utah’s premier ski resorts. My dad was a ski patroller at Snowbird. We were lucky: Our childhood was […]

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  • Letter: Mt. Tallac High says thank you

    Letter: Mt. Tallac High says thank you

    To the community, Mt. Tallac High School would like to thank Maureen and Steve Froyum, John Marchini, and Jose Reza from South Tahoe Refuse for carrying 40-pound plus backpacks with food to Cathedral Lake on Oct. 27 to prepare a hot good lunch for the students of Mt. Tallac High School. After our amazing lunch […]

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  • Opinion: Affirmative action in college admissions threatened

    Opinion: Affirmative action in college admissions threatened

    By Ben Backes, Brookings Brief In the coming months, the Supreme Court will consider—again—whether UT Austin’s use of racial preferences in undergraduate admissions decisions violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. In 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had failed to apply strict scrutiny in affirming UT […]

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  • Letter: Heavenly dishes up food at B&B

    Letter: Heavenly dishes up food at B&B

    To the community, Six times a year Heavenly Mountain Resort partners with Bread & Broth to host an Adopt A Day of Nourishment thanks to Vail’s Epic Promise Grant program. On Oct. 19, Heavenly hosted the evening dinner and sent a great crew from the product, sales and services team. “We are always honored to […]

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  • Opinion: U.S. needs to redefine poverty

    Opinion: U.S. needs to redefine poverty

    By Francis Secada, Al Jazeera America The recent campaigns to push for an increase in minimum wage rates across the United States have attracted much media coverage. The state of New York is making moves to approve a $15 per hour price floor, joining Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles. There is growing support for ensuring […]

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  • Opinion: Ex-SLT city manager on the outs in Wash.

    Opinion: Ex-SLT city manager on the outs in Wash.

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Nov. 6, 2015, Yakima Herald-Republic. Tony O’Rourke was city manager of South Lake Tahoe before leaving in 2012 for the Yakima job. Tony O’Rourke wants out of Yakima. The city manager has put in for at least two out-of-state positions. His house is on the market. He even […]

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