  • Opinion: The world needs more darkness

    Opinion: The world needs more darkness

    By Joe Mathews Remember the good old days when Californians were scared of the dark? When Hollywood was king and we all knew there was no monster or ghost scarier than the one we couldn’t see—the one lying somewhere in the dark? Those days are over. Today, the light is scarier than the dark ever […]

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  • Opinion: California, where less costs more

    Opinion: California, where less costs more

    By Joe Mathews Pay more and get less. That’s the bad new California deal that underpins so many daily transactions. The price of the fundamentals of life keeps going up, even as our money buys less of them. Watch your water bill rise even as you take shorter showers and let the lawn die. Reach […]

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  • Opinion: The faces of homelessness in SLT

    Opinion: The faces of homelessness in SLT

    By Nicole Zaborsky Allow us to introduce Stan and Karen. Stan is a 20-year resident of South Lake Tahoe, college educated, a chef, articulate, friendly, and Christian. Karen is a local, grew up in Tahoe, and has a college degree and a professional career. These are two of the many faces of homelessness in South […]

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  • Opinion: McDonald’s should serve fries for breakfast

    Opinion: McDonald’s should serve fries for breakfast

    By Aisha Harris, Slate Most good things must come with a price, as longtime fighters in the crusade for an all-day McDonald’s breakfast menu can attest. The fast-food chain has bent to the will of their vocal customer base, nixing the 10:30am service cut-off for such beloved items as the egg McMuffin, sausage burrito, and […]

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  • Opinion: Bullying needs to be abolished

    Opinion: Bullying needs to be abolished

    By Nancy Kerry Recent articles and studies across America provide evidence that bullies are costly to our society. Bullies in the schoolyard have resulted in a substantial increase of suicide among children. After the 1999 Columbine massacre, the federal government passed anti-bullying legislation that swiftly swept across the nation with similar legislation adopted by all […]

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  • Opinion: Nutritional information often ignored

    Opinion: Nutritional information often ignored

    By Jane E. Brody, Washington Post In the more than half a century that I’ve been writing about nutrition and health, I’ve witnessed many attempts to inform and improve the American diet, all the while watching young and old alike ignore sound nutritional advice and grow fatter and fatter. Of course, individuals are not entirely […]

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  • Opinion: Collaboration keeps plant from being endangered

    Opinion: Collaboration keeps plant from being endangered

    By Joanne Marchetta Lake Tahoe has been recognized for another important conservation success. Our region’s proactive, collaborative strategy to protect Tahoe yellow cress, begun almost 15 years ago, is working so well that the plant does not need additional protections under the federal Endangered Species Act. This conservation success story is yet another example of […]

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  • Letter: Adventure firm helps at B&B

    Letter: Adventure firm helps at B&B

    To the community, “Bread & Broth provides a great service to the local community and we’re happy to be a part of serving the South Lake Tahoe community,” said Linda Mueller. Mueller and husband, Jim, are the owners of Adventure Mountain Resort Lake Tahoe. They have been sponsoring a B&B’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment […]

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  • Opinion: Should apartment buildings be smoke-free?

    Opinion: Should apartment buildings be smoke-free?

    By Esther Schiller A former Marine I know has been living in a six-unit apartment building in Van Nuys, in L.A.’s San Fernando Valley, for about four years. The rent is reasonable, the neighborhood is diverse, and the landlord is helpful. But this man has a problem, which is why he just called me. His […]

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  • Opinion: EDC survey is more government waste

    Opinion: EDC survey is more government waste

    By Larry Weitzman El Dorado County executives are at it again. After the Board of Supervisors and CAO spent about $200,000 last year on a witch hunt and other diversionary tactics to cover for the many failings of the then CAO Terri Daly, such as the budget deficit, failure to follow BOS directives and the […]

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