  • Letter: Chamber says thank you

    Letter: Chamber says thank you

    To the community, Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce thanks the Tahoe Regional Young Professionals for partnering on a great networking event this past Thursday. Tahoe Chamber also thanks our gracious host Tahoe Beach Retreat for providing a beautiful venue for the evening in addition to delicious food and drinks. The event brought together […]

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  • Opinion: Helping teens be safe on the roads

    Opinion: Helping teens be safe on the roads

    By Fran Clader Traffic collisions are the No. 1 killer of teenagers in the United States, ending more young lives every day than cancer, homicide, and suicide combined. To bring awareness of the dangers facing young people when they drive, the California Highway Patrol will participate in National Teen Safe Driver Week, Oct. 18-24. “Among all drivers, teenagers […]

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  • Letter: LTVA takes a turn at Bread & Broth

    Letter: LTVA takes a turn at Bread & Broth

    To the community, The mission of Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority is to market the South Shore of Lake Tahoe as a world-class, year-round resort destination. Their main focus is the well-being and economic development of the South Shore community. In addition to this major goal, the folks at LTVA also wanted to have an impact […]

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  • Letter: Conner knows how to listen

    Letter: Conner knows how to listen

    To the community, John Runnels, Mile Wallace, three good people who shall remain nameless at this time, City Councilperson JoAnn Conner and now me, have, or have had, a target securely affixed to their back side. I received an email that stated, “Angie harassed, abused and yelled at a city employee and must be banned- […]

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  • Letter: Literary festival organizers relishing success of event

    Letter: Literary festival organizers relishing success of event

    To the community, Hundreds of writers, creators and community members attended the inaugural WordWave literary festival at Valhalla Oct. 9-11. This event exceeded our expectations and confirmed that South Lake Tahoe is a great place for cultural events. From the Steampunk Ball with Garth Stein to the Pam Houston keynote and the one-act play competition […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. should be a Mecca for the poor

    Opinion: Calif. should be a Mecca for the poor

    By Joe Mathews Fresno is one of the poorest metro areas in the United States. So why do people keep moving there? The short answer: Fresno is in California. And there is something very different about our state’s poor cities. In other parts of America, people have abandoned cities labeled poor—because of high poverty rates […]

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  • Letter: In defense of Tahoe’s trees

    Letter: In defense of Tahoe’s trees

    To the community, The chain saw is coming yet again to my neighborhood. The first time it was cleanup following the Angora Fire. Then it was fuel reduction by the fire department of assorted parcels and residences. Then it was fuel reduction by the USFS of national forest land. Some trees that had survived the […]

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  • Opinion: Learning to die

    Opinion: Learning to die

    By Margot Mifflin, New York Times My mother taught me many things, including, in the end, how to die. Her death went well, I told the few friends who I knew would understand my meaning: She was not in pain, she was conscious until the day before she died, she was at home, my sister […]

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  • Opinion: Lake Tahoe deserves federal funding

    Opinion: Lake Tahoe deserves federal funding

    By Dianne Feinstein In 1997, Lake Tahoe hosted President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore. The presidential forum they held may not sound like much — meetings with local leaders, grand speeches and the like. But in fact that visit transformed the future of Lake Tahoe. The presidential forum signaled the end of decades […]

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  • Opinion: Dying for a cure for metastatic breast cancer

    Opinion: Dying for a cure for metastatic breast cancer

    By Kelly Shanahan Sometimes it takes an earthquake to wake you up. My personal earthquake jolted me on Nov. 14, 2013, when I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. My carefully constructed world came crumbling down; I could no longer perform surgery, the core of my life as an ob-gyn; the plans for eventually retiring […]

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