  • Opinion: Cold Truckee, hot development

    Opinion: Cold Truckee, hot development

    By Joe Mathews One of California’s hottest development projects can be found in one of its coldest towns.         In an era of neighbor-bites-neighbor fights against big developments, perhaps it’s fitting that one antidote should emerge from the Donner Pass. Tiny Truckee—a snowy municipality of 16,300—is doubling the size of its downtown. The Railyard Project—it’s a […]

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  • Opinion: Legislation to help overtaxed Californians

    Opinion: Legislation to help overtaxed Californians

    By Ted Gaines To overtaxed Californians, every day feels like April 15. California sports the highest income tax brackets of any state, top-five gas taxes (and that’s without including the “cap-and-trade” fees on every gallon, which would push us to the top of the heap), the highest corporate tax in the western states, and so […]

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  • Opinion: VHRs critical to SLT’s recreational future

    Opinion: VHRs critical to SLT’s recreational future

    By Scott Valentine I was accosted in front of the grocery store the other day and I was asked to sign a petition that would allow for a public vote to contain vacation home rentals to the commercial core. Interesting. I am all for the democratic process, but majority rule does have its issues. For […]

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  • Letter: Rotary helps at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Rotary helps at Bread & Broth

    To the community, Over the last nine months, the Tahoe-Douglas Rotary Club has sponsored five Adopt A Day of Nourishments. Bread & Broth has been thrilled to have this service oriented organization partner with us to help ease hunger in the Lake Tahoe South Shore community. With their generously donated funds and over 70 hours […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. needs to rethink fire mutual aid

    Opinion: Calif. needs to rethink fire mutual aid

    By Jeff Meston Last October, California experienced a series of devastating wildfires that destroyed property and took lives. In a four-month period, the state endured fires and floods from San Diego to Mendocino that destroyed more than 11,000 homes and commercial structures and killed 64 Californians. Local government fire and rescue personnel and equipment comprised […]

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  • Letter: Filipino community takes turn at B&B

    Letter: Filipino community takes turn at B&B

    To the community, On March 29, Bread & Broth’s Monday meal diners had a special treat, a delicious Filipino themed dinner. The evening’s meal was lovingly prepared and served by the Filipino community members for their annual Adopt a Day of Nourishment sponsorship.   This fantastic group served up teriyaki chicken and vegetables, chicken adobo, steamed […]

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  • Opinion: Are teenagers smarter and better than we think?

    Opinion: Are teenagers smarter and better than we think?

    By Tara Parker-Pope, New York Times Today’s teenagers have been raised on cellphones and social media. Should we worry about them or just get out of their way? A recent wave of student protests around the country has provided a close-up view of Generation Z in action, and many adults have been surprised. While there […]

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  • Letter: Local water agencies oppose drinking water tax

    Letter: Local water agencies oppose drinking water tax

    To the community, A Lake Tahoe regional coalition of local water agencies including, Tahoe City PUD, South Tahoe PUD, North Tahoe PUD, Truckee Donner PUD, Northstar CSD, Squaw Valley PSD, and Alpine Springs County Water District strongly opposes a legislative proposal to tax Californian’s drinking water. Introduced in 2017 as Senate Bill 623, it is […]

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  • Opinion: Democracy in danger when the census undercounts vulnerable populations

    Opinion: Democracy in danger when the census undercounts vulnerable populations

    By Emily Klancher Merchant, The Conversation The 2020 U.S. Census is still two years away, but experts and civil rights groups are already disputing the results. At issue is whether the census will fulfill the Census Bureau’s mandate to “count everyone once, only once, and in the right place.” The task is hardly as simple […]

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  • Letter: Group effort to pull off Drug Store Project

    Letter: Group effort to pull off Drug Store Project

    To the community, If you had walked onto the Lake Tahoe Community campus on April 3, you would have never guessed that there were 325 sixth-grade youth and 220 agency and volunteer workers throughout the corridors, all learning information on how and why to keep themselves safe from drugs. “Choices, what are yours?” was the […]

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