  • Opinion: All dogs are emotional support animals

    Opinion: All dogs are emotional support animals

    By Wes Siler, Outside A few years ago, I hit rock bottom. I was pushed out of the business I’d spent seven years building by someone I once considered a friend. Making matters much worse, I badly injured myself in a motorcycle crash, and it took me three months of hard work to be able […]

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  • Opinion: SLT deserves better council members

    Opinion: SLT deserves better council members

    By Kathryn Reed Thank goodness the employees of South Lake Tahoe are proficient at their jobs because the elected officials are anything but that. Two employees report directly to the five council members – the city manager and the city attorney. This council has managed to run both of these women off. One has to […]

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  • Letter: Warm room thankful for support, to close soon

    Letter: Warm room thankful for support, to close soon

    To the community, Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless (TCH) hosted an open house on Feb. 15 at the South Lake Tahoe warm room.  The event honored the South Shore’s faith community for their support since the organization’s inception.  In addition to thanking the entire faith community at the event, TCH gave special recognition to the […]

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  • Opinion: How Santa Cruz is going under, like many Calif. cities

    Opinion: How Santa Cruz is going under, like many Calif. cities

    By Dan Walters, CalMatters When Santa Cruz, a picturesque and funky coastal city, first started to feel the pinch of rising retirement costs for city workers, it took several steps to limit the fiscal pain. As recommended by the League of Cities and other authorities, Santa Cruz issued a bond to pay down its rising […]

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  • Opinion: Commonalities of gun violence and mental illness

    Opinion: Commonalities of gun violence and mental illness

    By Ana Bourne Like so many, I was saddened after seeing and reading about the latest incident of gun violence in America, which took place in Parkland, Fla., at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The unforgettable images of children fleeing from the school, ambulance after ambulance arriving at the scene and frantic students and parents […]

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  • Opinion: Edgewood defends its charitable giving

    Opinion: Edgewood defends its charitable giving

    To the community, The inaccuracies and subjective opinion of the story posted on Lake Tahoe News compelled us to respond with the facts and true information about the volunteer food and beverage tents at American Century Championship. Edgewood Tahoe’s executive team requested a meeting with Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe in early February for […]

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  • Opinion: A voice for STHS students

    Opinion: A voice for STHS students

    Publisher’s note: The following was read at the March 13 Lake Tahoe Unified School District board meeting and is published with permission. By Shelby Lyon In light of the shooting last month in Florida, and recent discussions occurring around school concerning new safety policies, students would like to voice their concerns. Specifically, discussion about putting […]

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  • Letter: Soroptimist takes high road with Edgewood

    Letter: Soroptimist takes high road with Edgewood

    To the community, It is with great disappointment that Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe has been informed its partnership with Edgewood Tahoe, during the annual American Century Celebrity Golf Tournament, has come to an end. Since the very beginning of the tournament, now 28 years ago, Soroptimist and Edgewood have enjoyed a mutual partnership […]

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  • Opinion: My Calif. lake it too good for you

    Opinion: My Calif. lake it too good for you

    By Joe Mathews Stay away from my lake, Californians. It’s too important, for the likes of you. Yes, as a legal matter, I don’t own Lake Mathews. But I’ve always felt a kinship with a Riverside County reservoir that spells our mutual name the correct way, with just one “t.” What’s more, Lake Mathews serves […]

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  • Opinion: Tariffs turn abundance into scarcity

    Opinion: Tariffs turn abundance into scarcity

    By Tom McClintock Frederic Bastiat, the great 19th Century economist, posed a simple question we need to think about carefully as we consider tariffs and trade wars. What is better: abundance or scarcity?  The answer might seem self-evident, yet protectionists throughout history can’t seem to grasp it. If a dollar can only buy one widget […]

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