  • Opinion: Forest mismanagement bad for everyone

    Opinion: Forest mismanagement bad for everyone

    By Larry Weitzman Recently several large wildfires burned up thousands of acres of coastal forests in several areas of California. While this is a disaster in and of itself, it also killed many people and burned down thousands of homes. The damages were so great that some insurers have chosen to leave the home and […]

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  • Opinion: California and Taiwan, renegade nation-states

    Opinion: California and Taiwan, renegade nation-states

    By Joe Mathews Is California becoming another Taiwan? Taiwan is an independent nation—in its ambitions, its economy, its democracy. But many countries refuse to recognize it as a separate nation, deferring to mainland China, which claims Taiwan as a possession and responds with threats whenever Taiwan goes its own way. California shares some aspects of […]

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  • Opinion: Most panhandling laws unconstitutional

    Opinion: Most panhandling laws unconstitutional

    By Joseph W. Mead, The Conversation Thousands of U.S. cities restrict panhandling in some way. These ordinances limit face-to-face soliciting, including interactions that occur on sidewalks and alongside roads, whether they are verbal or involve holding a sign. According to a growing string of court decisions, however, laws that outlaw panhandling are themselves illegal. In […]

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  • Opinion: Enough with the podium girls

    Opinion: Enough with the podium girls

    By Latria Graham, Outside If you’ve ever seen a pro men’s cycling race, you know the image: a lycra-clad athlete clambers onto the stage flanked by two beautiful women—so-called “podium girls”—in slinky dresses and heels. As he accepts his flowers and a signature colored jersey, he receives a kiss on both cheeks from his female escorts. […]

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  • Opinion: Losing my kids to Calif.’s overcrowded trains

    Opinion: Losing my kids to Calif.’s overcrowded trains

    By Joe Mathews If California’s train deniers are right—that no one ever rides trains here, that Californians prefer to drive or fly, and that high-speed rail is a boondoggle that won’t attract riders—then how do you explain my wife’s public humiliation? Recently, our family was on Amtrak from San Diego to L.A., when an announcement […]

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  • Opinion: Why real estate is still a good investment

    Opinion: Why real estate is still a good investment

    By Ana Bourne The stock market has always attracted those who want to make large profits, but many prudent investors are wary of its instability— the recent 1,300-point drop of the Dow Jones Industrial Average for the week of Feb. 5t is a classic case in point. Fortunately, the market bounced back recouping some of its losses, […]

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  • Opinion: When LA ruled the music scene

    Opinion: When LA ruled the music scene

    By Kent Hartman It was 1962, and the rock ’n roll record business was on the rise after the multiyear slump that had followed the debuts of artists like Elvis, Chuck Berry, and Little Richard. The industry’s savior, in large part, was a manic, diminutive, wig-wearing, Hollywood-based record producer (and future convicted murderer) named Phil […]

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  • Opinion: SF vs. L.A.: A contest of contempt

    Opinion: SF vs. L.A.: A contest of contempt

    By Joe Mathews Which city—San Francisco or Los Angeles—do you love to hate more? This is shaping up to be California’s question for 2018. Each of the top contenders for governor is a former mayor of one of those cities, and each embodies certain grievances about his hometown. And backers of both candidates are already […]

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  • Letter: Barton crews serves at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Barton crews serves at Bread & Broth

    To the community, Sponsoring their first Bread & Broth Adopt A Day of Nourishment on Feb. 26, Barton’s pharmacy department sent a wonderful group of young health care professionals to help with the sponsorship dinner. Acting on behalf of their fellow pharmacy department members were Cathy Deering, Jeff Koeck, Chrissy Robertson and Celeste Taormina. According […]

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  • Opinion: TRTA, USFS partners more important than ever

    Opinion: TRTA, USFS partners more important than ever

    By Chris Binder Nonprofit partners of government agencies play a critical role in managing trails, recreation, planning and other essential activities taking place on public lands. Locally, the Tahoe Rim Trail Association is the region’s largest nonprofit trail organization and has the primary responsibility for managing and maintaining about 200 miles of hiking, biking and […]

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