  • Opinion: Fresno could become California’s Austin

    Opinion: Fresno could become California’s Austin

    By Joe Mathews Could the San Joaquin River, long a dividing line in our state, unite Central California in pursuit of a better future? In Madera County, across the river from Fresno, a new unincorporated city of multiple planned communities is under construction. Within a generation, it seems likely to swell to more than 100,000 […]

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  • Opinion: Consequences of Air Force expansion in Nev.

    Opinion: Consequences of Air Force expansion in Nev.

    By Tay Wiles, High Country News One morning in January, I accompanied a group of environmental advocates to the northern tip of the Desert National Wildlife Refuge, 100 miles north of Las Vegas. A short hike brought us to a boulder with a petroglyph of bighorn sheep, eroded after thousands of years of exposure. A […]

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  • Letter: EDC needs to cool it with the brine

    Letter: EDC needs to cool it with the brine

    To the community, Today, Feb. 16, the El Dorado County road maintenance department decided to do a horrific soaking of brine solution on North Upper Truckee Road and many other side streets for safety or tourists over the weekend. There is the possibility of a light dusting of snow coming late Sunday, maybe. The county […]

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  • Opinion: Politicians can’t have it both ways

    Opinion: Politicians can’t have it both ways

    By Dan Walters, CALmatters Suing oil companies for causing climate change has become a popular exercise in California’s coastal communities. Officials in five cities and three counties have filed suits, alleging that the companies knowingly emitted greenhouse gases that will damage those communities as oceans rise, and should pay for it. As CALmatters environmental writer […]

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  • Letter: LTUSD making school sites safer

    Letter: LTUSD making school sites safer

    To the community, Our hearts go out to the families and victims of the inconceivable act of violence at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. We are deeply saddened over the senseless loss of so many lives. In the wake of this tragedy, the district would like to ensure families and staff that district […]

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  • Opinion: The history of ‘In God We Trust’

    Opinion: The history of ‘In God We Trust’

    By David Mislin, The Conversation In his address to the National Prayer Breakfast on the morning of Feb. 8, President Trump emphasized the centrality of faith in American life. After describing the country as a “nation of believers,” Trump reminded his audience that American currency features the phrase “In God We Trust” as does the […]

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  • Opinion: Time to fess up about taxes, pensions

    Opinion: Time to fess up about taxes, pensions

    By Dan Walters, CALmatters   California’s political leaders don’t have to look very far to find a stark example of the pension cost crisis facing the state’s 482 cities. Three blocks from the Capitol, in Sacramento’s city hall, Mayor Darrell Steinberg – a former leader of the state Senate – and other officials are seeing […]

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  • Letter: Rotartians give back to Bread & Broth

    Letter: Rotartians give back to Bread & Broth

    To the community, Bread & Broth really appreciates the support the Tahoe Douglas Rotary Club has been giving our Adopt A Day of Nourishment program. The Rotary Club signed up for five Adopt A Days and on Feb. 5 we were sent another great team to volunteer while hosting their fourth AAD in the past […]

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  • Opinion: Transparency like a lead wall in EDC

    Opinion: Transparency like a lead wall in EDC

    By Larry Weitzman If the new El Dorado County “Good Governance” manual were an airliner, it would have already crashed and burned. A total disaster, at least when it comes to conducting county business with transparency. All windows have been shuttered as if to protect from a coming catastrophic storm. It appears that such a […]

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  • Letter: Ex-mayor, journalist critical of SLT council

    Letter: Ex-mayor, journalist critical of SLT council

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to the South Lake Tahoe City Council and Lake Tahoe News. Mayor David and members of council, I am outraged at the seemingly underhanded manner in which council is handling the termination of a highly valued city manager. Nancy Kerry has been an exemplary city leader who has put […]

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