  • Letter: Businessman expresses views on Kerry

    Letter: Businessman expresses views on Kerry

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to South Lake Tahoe Mayor Wendy David and Lake Tahoe News. Dear Mayor David, Hello, my name is Ted Kennedy. I am a partner in the following businesses in town: Base Camp Pizza Azul Latin kitchen California Burger Co Poke Rok Outpost Brewery Ten Crows BBQ Lakeside Beach House […]

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  • Opinion: How Kerry is being treated is horrific

    Opinion: How Kerry is being treated is horrific

    By Tony O’Rourke On Feb. 8, 2018, the Tahoe Daily Tribune, based on seven anonymous sources, destroyed City Manager Nancy Kerry’s reputation. As the former city manager prior to Nancy Kerry, I know the challenges, rewards, and pitfalls of managing cities. Given the average tenure of a city manager is three to five years, it […]

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  • Editorial: We all have a stake in saving the Sierra

    Editorial: We all have a stake in saving the Sierra

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Feb. 5, 2018, Sacramento Bee. Given the huge sums California has spent staving off wildfires, curbing greenhouse gas and ensuring clean air and clean water, it is surprising that more attention hasn’t been paid to the one factor those challenges have in common: trees. California’s forests, and in […]

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  • Opinion: Wanting to converse

    Opinion: Wanting to converse

    By Wendy David First, a confession of weirdness. I love being a part of groups. I like the synergy of groups, how they work collaboratively, how the room sounds … some listening, others talking.   I like the process of group decision-making, the back and forth, the quiet and noisy, the aha moments of clarity, that […]

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  • Opinion: Sessions’ war on pot could speed up legalization nationwide

    Opinion: Sessions’ war on pot could speed up legalization nationwide

    By Paul Seaborn, The Conversation Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently clarified how the Trump administration intends to treat states that have legalized pot, which remains illegal on the federal level. The Obama administration eventually took a relatively hands-off approach to this enforcement conundrum. But Sessions instructed all United States attorneys to treat cannabis-related activities like […]

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  • Opinion: From a dog’s perspective

    Opinion: From a dog’s perspective

    By Reef Hi, my name is Reef, and I’m one of Howie Nave’s dogs who he adopted last summer from the Pet Network. I was asked to write a commentary from a dog’s perspective. Maybe you heard me mentioned as he talks about me frequently on his morning radio show and posts way too many […]

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  • Opinion: Have your funeral before you die

    Opinion: Have your funeral before you die

    By Mary Elizabeth Williams, Salon   A few months ago, I attended one of the best memorials I’ve ever been to. It was a glorious, sunlit afternoon full of friends and music. It was just weeks after my friend Jessica’s birthday. And a month before she died. Life doesn’t often give us the luxury of being […]

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  • Letter: Suggestions for VHR problem

    Letter: Suggestions for VHR problem

    To the community, I recently heard about a fire in a VHR on the North Shore. The eight adults, eight children and two dogs were able to escape. The cause of the fire at the vacation rental is under investigation. Here is a prime example of the complaints fielded by officials about crowded VHRs. The […]

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  • Opinion: The big public land sell-out

    Opinion: The big public land sell-out

    By Jonathan Thompson, High Country News This month, hundreds of corporate representatives will sit down at their computers, log into something called Energynet, and bid, eBay style, for more than 300,000 acres of federal land spread across five Western states. They will pay as little as $2 per acre for control of parcels in southeastern […]

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  • Opinion: Why Mexico over the U.S. for Olympics

    Opinion: Why Mexico over the U.S. for Olympics

    By Ailene Voisin, Sacramento Bee Robby Franco thought about it long and hard, and as we have learned, these skiing/snowboarding acrobats have minds of their own. So when he recovered from doing the splits – he had one ski in Mexico, one ski in America – the El Dorado High School graduate decided to take […]

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