  • Letter: Bijou Pines resident says thanks

    Letter: Bijou Pines resident says thanks

    To the community, I want to thank everyone in the community, and especially in my neighborhood who contacted me in regards to my article on the warm room and the homeless affecting Bijou Pines. To date I have had 20 emails, 24 phone calls, and eight neighbors who have stopped by to say how happy […]

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  • Opinion: Give Coachella to the Canadians

    Opinion: Give Coachella to the Canadians

    By Joe Mathews Let’s give the Coachella Valley to Canada. After all, Canadians already rule the desert in winter. Canadian snowbirds love Palm Springs because it’s a shorter flight than Maui and because it offers more culture—the international film festival, Modernism Week, the Coachella music festivals—than Phoenix. The desert has developed a Canadian-friendly infrastructure of […]

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  • Letter: South Lake Tahoe and its streets

    Letter: South Lake Tahoe and its streets

    To the community, I am presently very concerned that the  City Council now intends to not fund maintenance of city streets.  Consider my points:  1. Since  Measure C has failed, the City Council can now shift blame of  our streets in disrepair upon the voters.   2. If the street repairs were now adequately funded, this would […]

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  • Opinion: State of Jefferson different from all the rest

    Opinion: State of Jefferson different from all the rest

    By Terry Gherardi The media blitz about New California has brought great attention and concern for many in our Jefferson counties, but perhaps even greater confusion for  Californians, or, “here we go again,”  as stated by many in the news media. This is in reference to the various movements or actions under way to separate […]

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  • Opinion: Plan could be a major disrupter of health care system

    Opinion: Plan could be a major disrupter of health care system

    By J.B. Silvers, The Conversation Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase’s announcement that they will create an independent company to offer health care to their employees “free from profit-making incentives and constraints” sent a shock through the health care industry, with share prices of some incumbents tumbling on Jan. 30. Of course, this is not […]

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  • Letter: Warm room degrading SLT neighborhood

    Letter: Warm room degrading SLT neighborhood

    Publisher’s note: This was sent to the South Lake Tahoe City Council and Lake Tahoe News. First let me say that I have been in and out of town intermittently this January so was not able to make the recent City Council meetings, or this would have been brought up in an open forum. However, […]

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  • Opinion: L.A. is not Latin America, but it could be

    Opinion: L.A. is not Latin America, but it could be

    By Joe Mathews Los Angeles is not Latin America. Such a statement should be as uncontroversial as a map of the western hemisphere. But in L.A., elite conventional wisdom runs the other way. Lewis D’Vorkin, the Los Angeles Times editor, recently promoted L.A. as “the northern capital of Latin America” in a staff memo. Organizers […]

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  • Opinion: Re-criminalizing cannabis is not the answer

    Opinion: Re-criminalizing cannabis is not the answer

    By Miriam Boeri, The Conversation In the 1930s, parents across the U.S. were panicked. A new documentary, “Reefer Madness,” suggested that evil marijuana dealers lurked in public schools, waiting to entice their children into a life of crime and degeneracy. The documentary captured the essence of the anti-marijuana campaign started by Harry Anslinger, a government […]

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  • Opinion: Conservative Christians co-opted the rhetoric of religious freedom

    Opinion: Conservative Christians co-opted the rhetoric of religious freedom

    By Tisa Wenger Today, just about everyone—including lobbyists, state legislators, and Supreme Court litigants­—assumes that freedom of religion naturally means opposition to same-sex marriage and reproductive rights, and sits in tension with anti-discrimination and civil rights laws. But such associations with the idea of “freedom of religion” are neither natural nor inevitable. Not so very […]

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  • Opinion: Disagreeing on the definition of death

    Opinion: Disagreeing on the definition of death

    By Ariane Lewis How can you truly know when someone is dead? Historically, death was determined by holding a mirror up to a person’s mouth to see if they were breathing. But this method was not foolproof, so safety coffins outfitted with a string attached to a bell were used to allow someone who woke […]

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