  • Letter: Kiwanis give back at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Kiwanis give back at Bread & Broth

    To the community, The Kiwanis Club of Tahoe Sierra is a service organization that dedicates its members to supporting charities and events which benefit the community, especially children. Every month the Kiwanis Club selects a different community program or organization to support, and for the month of January the club has sponsored a Bread & […]

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  • Opinion: Will guaranteed income play in California?

    Opinion: Will guaranteed income play in California?

    By Jerry Nickelsburg In 1797 Thomas Paine, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, proposed that a “citizen dividend” be paid to each American and funded by a tax on land. Paine’s proposal—now dubbed Universal Basic Income (UBI) or guaranteed minimum income—is, some 220 years later, coming to California.  Specifically, it is coming […]

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  • Letter: Voters should decide VHR issue

    Letter: Voters should decide VHR issue

    To the community, Are South Lake Tahoe’s neighborhoods for sale? Over the last few years our city has allowed out-of-town investors to turn houses into motels and developers to build large scale lodging properties in our residential neighborhoods. The local residents now want a chance to decide if we want these motels in our neighborhoods. […]

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  • Opinion: How Vail Resorts is changing skiing

    Opinion: How Vail Resorts is changing skiing

    By David Page, Powder One Tuesday morning in early March, the day before Vail Resorts Inc.’s scheduled earnings announcement for the second quarter of fiscal year 2017, I clicked in to my skis outside a 10th Mountain Division backcountry hut high in Colorado’s Sawatch Range, nearly 12,000 feet above sea level. The first light of […]

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  • Opinion: USFS doesn’t leave when the fire is out

    Opinion: USFS doesn’t leave when the fire is out

    By Randy Moore Natural disasters can occur at any given time and in any given area. The size, duration and damages are usually unpredictable. The devastation, destruction and cost of California wildfires are increasing annually. In 2017, more than 1,500 wildfires burned over 640,000 acres on National Forest System lands in California, including the Thomas […]

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  • Opinion: A California giant hides in plain sight

    Opinion: A California giant hides in plain sight

    By Joe Mathews California is so big that you don’t need to be a mouse to hide here. You can be a giant elephant—or a huge corporation—and still escape notice. For example, here’s a trivia question that stumps even Californians who know the state well: What’s the second-richest company in California after Apple? “Google?” Wrong. […]

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  • Opinion: Understanding dieting

    Opinion: Understanding dieting

    By Traci Mann and A. Janet Tomiyama  Diets do not work. The scientific evidence is clear as can be that cutting calories simply doesn’t lead to long-term weight loss or health gains. We suspect most dieters have realized this by now too. And yet, here they are again, setting the same weight loss goal this […]

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  • Letter: Bread & Broth diner returns as sponsor

    Letter: Bread & Broth diner returns as sponsor

    To the community, As a young boy, Jeremy Woodford would attend Bread & Broth’s dinners with his family at Grace Hall. Now, many years later, Jeremy is paying it forward by hosting three B&B dinners so others can also benefit from the same nourishing meals that helped him when he and his family were experiencing […]

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  • Opinion: Feds’ decision on pot laws may create issues for casinos

    Opinion: Feds’ decision on pot laws may create issues for casinos

    By Jane Ann Morrison, Las Vegas Review-Journal   In November, Nevada’s Gaming Policy Committee begged for guidance from the federal government about whether the feds are going to enforce federal laws passed in 1970 that criminalized pot use, cultivation and distribution. Nevadans got their answer last week, but it wasn’t the one many wanted. The […]

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  • Letter: EDC VHR moratorium a good idea

    Letter: EDC VHR moratorium a good idea

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors and copied to Lake Tahoe News. Hi Supervisors Sue Novasel and Mike Rinalli, I understand that you are considering a 45-day moratorium on issuing new vacation home rental permits. I support such a moratorium or prefer an even longer one so […]

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