  • Letter: Make your voice heard regarding SnowGlobe

    Letter: Make your voice heard regarding SnowGlobe

    To the community, I want to thank all of you for your support and empathy. Over the last few days I have gotten handshakes, hugs, phone calls and kudos from both friends and strangers. I appreciate that you let me know that you have the same opinion toward SnowGlobe that I do. Again, while I […]

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  • Opinion: How to win at winter

    Opinion: How to win at winter

    By Lori Moore, New York Times My first winter in the Northeast, I thought I was set. When I was growing up in the South, the heaviest coat I ever owned was a corduroy pea coat — more of a jacket, really. But after a year of working in the powdery mountain snow out West, […]

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  • Opinion: Why is obesity getting worse?

    Opinion: Why is obesity getting worse?

    By Kenneth Cusi, The Conversation Gyms across the country will be packed in the new year with people sticking, however briefly, to their New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Most of them do not know that the cards are stacked against them and that weight loss is much more complicated than working out and not […]

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  • Letter: How to combat unruly VHR renters

    Letter: How to combat unruly VHR renters

    To the community, In recent years much has been written about the battle locals are waging against VHRs that destroy the peace of their neighborhoods. Although I have read most of what has been written, the following is a perspective I have not seen.  As an owner of long term rentals, I know if there […]

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  • Opinion: Immortal California property taxes

    Opinion: Immortal California property taxes

    From: Joe Mathews To: California Association of Realtors Re: Death and Taxes Yes, all Californians eventually will die. But why can’t our property tax discounts live forever? That’s the question inspired by your glorious new idea: a ballot initiative to make our state’s Proposition 13 property tax savings even more generous. Your “People’s Initiative to […]

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  • Opinion: Is road bike riding worth the risk?

    Opinion: Is road bike riding worth the risk?

    By Aaron Gulley, Outside The impact was as sudden and unexpected as lightning on a cloudless afternoon. One moment I was pedaling on a side road to my house after wrapping up a trail ride. The next I was 20 feet off the road on my back, tangled beneath my mountain bike in a stand of […]

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  • Opinion: Bad legal advice costing EDC taxpayers

    Opinion: Bad legal advice costing EDC taxpayers

    By Larry Weitzman As to where the county continues to bury its head, you can decide for yourself as the El Dorado Superior Court issued its final ruling on the $33 million plus case of Austin v. El Dorado County, et al. I previously wrote that a tentative ruling was issued by the court on […]

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  • Letter: Time to admit SnowGlobe needs silencing

    Letter: Time to admit SnowGlobe needs silencing

    To the community, As many of you know, I am vocal critic of SnowGlobe. Well, after another year I feel like it’s kind of tradition for me to write my letter and vent about the event. I will preface this letter with a reminder that I am not against events in the area. I just […]

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  • Opinion: Career-ready out of high school is a myth

    Opinion: Career-ready out of high school is a myth

    By Anthony P. Carnevale, Andrew R. Hanson and Megan Fasules, The Conversation Unlike old-fashioned vocational education, high school-level career and technical education doesn’t really prepare people for jobs directly after high school. While the stated end goal of K-12 education in America is for students to be “college and career ready,” the reality is the […]

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  • Letter: Fed up with VHRs in S. Lake Tahoe

    Letter: Fed up with VHRs in S. Lake Tahoe

    To the community, I bought a home in the 1600 block of Venice Drive in the Tahoe Keys in 2005 and moved to beautiful Tahoe. I knew nothing about VHRs. There are at least eight of them on my block. Most full-time owners have moved away because of them. This New Year’s all of them […]

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