  • Opinion: Putting a price tag on life

    Opinion: Putting a price tag on life

    By Eli Cook Everything, as they say in America, has its price: It has been found that a lack of sleep costs the American economy $411 billion a year and stress another $300 billion. Countless other studies have calculated the annual cost of pain ($560 million), heart disease ($309 billion), cancer ($243 billion), and diabetes […]

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  • Letter: Camp Rich gang helps serve needy

    Letter: Camp Rich gang helps serve needy

    To the community, Normally the Camp Richardson Resort staff is busy seeing to the needs of their many visitors and guests, but during the month of December they shift their focus to helping the members of our community who are struggling with hunger. Through their Adopt A Day of Nourishment sponsorship, Camp Richardson hosted Bread […]

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  • Opinion: Predicting the news of 2018

    Opinion: Predicting the news of 2018

    By Kathryn Reed Just because the headlines of 2017 are in the past does not mean the issues are gone. #MeToo or as Time magazine called the movement – The Silence Breakers in naming them the person of the year – is bound to be a significant carryover into 2018. While the high profile cases […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. losing its prized rural forestland

    Opinion: Calif. losing its prized rural forestland

    By Jane Braxton Little, Sacramento Bee California values forests. From coastal stands of iconic redwoods to high-elevation pines, trees cover 33 million acres, nearly one-third of the state. Private owners manage around 40 percent of these forests, an area more than twice the size of Alaska’s Denali National Park. Today California is losing these prized […]

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  • Letter: Warm room thankful for community support

    Letter: Warm room thankful for community support

    To the community, Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless is pleased to announce that the warm room will move from Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church to 1195 Rufus Allen Blvd., a property owned by the city of South Lake Tahoe, and begin operating out of that location at 7pm on the evening of Jan. 1.  The […]

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  • Letter: Frustrated with noise from SnowGlobe

    Letter: Frustrated with noise from SnowGlobe

    To the community, It’s 10:30pm (Dec. 29)and it sounds like SnowGlobe is in the living room of my home along the Bijou Meadow. Unfortunately, the only part of the concert we can hear is the incessant bass overlaid by what sounds like a huge swarm of bees–even the most ardent percussionist would not call it […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. falls short on educating students

    Opinion: Calif. falls short on educating students

    By Dan Walters, CalMatters The fundamental mission of a K-12 school system should be to have as many students as humanely possible graduate from high school with the fundamental skills they need to succeed as adults. We Californians who are already adults sometimes lose sight of that goal as we bicker over financing, curriculum, testing […]

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  • Opinion: Calif.’s next governor will be its most powerful

    Opinion: Calif.’s next governor will be its most powerful

    By Joe Mathews Who is the most powerful governor in California history? The next one. Our state’s governorship has grown so great in reach and power that it now constitutes a second American presidency. California governors now routinely sign international treaties. They head a state government that operates as a fourth branch of American government—employing […]

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  • Opinion: CalPERS about to bury taxpayers in more debt

    Opinion: CalPERS about to bury taxpayers in more debt

    By Daniel Borenstein, Bay Area News Group Brace yourself taxpayers: CalPERS is about to bury you deeper in debt. The nation’s largest pension system is expected to adopt a funding plan this week that anticipates shortfalls during the next decade and then banks on exceptional investment returns over the following half century to make up the […]

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  • Letter: Asking for help with SnowGlobe noise

    Letter: Asking for help with SnowGlobe noise

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to the South Lake Tahoe City Council, city manager and media. Hi all — I hope you all had a nice holiday. I’m writing this letter because I have seen quite a few articles online mentioning that the SnowGlobe noise is anticipated to be louder than last year because […]

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