  • Opinion: In fighting for the ‘Dreamers,’ Sandoval shines

    Opinion: In fighting for the ‘Dreamers,’ Sandoval shines

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Dec.25, 2017, Las Vegas Sun. By joining a bipartisan group of governors advocating for “Dreamers,” Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has once again reminded us how humane, pragmatic and fair the Republican Party used to be. Last week, Sandoval and 10 other governors sent a letter to congressional leaders urging […]

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  • Editorial: Can Calif. afford not to fix dams?

    Editorial: Can Calif. afford not to fix dams?

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Dec. 11, 2017, Sacramento Bee. California’s dam inspectors appear to be doing their jobs well. Unfortunately, too many dam operators are falling down on the job, and could be placing the public at risk. That’s the message of a report by The Sacramento Bee’s Ryan Sabalow and Dale […]

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  • Opinion: Tackling Tahoe’s transportation troubles

    Opinion: Tackling Tahoe’s transportation troubles

    By Joanne Marchetta The rural mountain lifestyle we all enjoy at Lake Tahoe is not isolated from the major urban areas nearby. On a typical holiday weekend, the Tahoe basin turns into a recreation thoroughfare as tens of thousands of day and overnight visitors who sustain our local economy drive up from the San Francisco […]

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  • Letter: Heavenly gives back at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Heavenly gives back at Bread & Broth

    To the community, With funds provided by Vail’s EpicPromise grants, Heavenly Mountain Resort partners with Bread & Broth to annually host six Monday meal dinners at St. Theresa’s Grace Hall.   Every other month, Heavenly sponsors an Adopt A Day of Nourishment and sends a team of volunteers to help crew at their sponsorship dinner. On […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. will likely screw up legalizing pot

    Opinion: Calif. will likely screw up legalizing pot

    By Joe Mathews California’s 2018 transition to legal marijuana contains a mind-bending paradox: Ending prohibitions on marijuana will require a lot of aggressive law enforcement. On Jan. 1, California will not merely be permitting adults 21 and older to use marijuana for recreational purposes. The state and its cities will be creating a new regime […]

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  • Opinion: Supporting the Wildfire Safety and Recovery Act

    Opinion: Supporting the Wildfire Safety and Recovery Act

    By Jennifer Montgomery Wildfires aren’t supposed to happen in December. And yet, just days before the holidays, thousands in Southern California are still evacuated from their homes as the Thomas Fire rages on, almost sure to become the largest wildfire in California history. Wildfires aren’t supposed to burn cities, either. But the Thomas Fire has […]

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  • Opinion: IVGID explains unbuildable lot issue

    Opinion: IVGID explains unbuildable lot issue

    By Jason Guinasso In 2009, Incline Village General Improvement District’s board of trustees adopted a Policy 16.1.1 entitled Recreation Roll which discussed unbuildable parcels and the process for how these parcels come back onto the Recreation Roll. In 2012, Incline Village General Improvement District was approached by the Washoe County treasurer to see if they […]

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  • Opinion: 2 skyscrapers and the Calif. imagination

    Opinion: 2 skyscrapers and the Calif. imagination

    By Joe Mathews This is a tale of two cities and two new skyscrapers. The Wilshire Grand Center, a project of the conglomerate that owns Korean Air Lines, towers 73 stories and 1,100 feet over downtown Los Angeles, making it the tallest building west of the Mississippi River. The soon-to-open Salesforce Tower, named for the […]

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  • Opinion: Could Calif. be seeing the onset of a recession?

    Opinion: Could Calif. be seeing the onset of a recession?

    By Dan Walters, CalMatters Twice each year, once in January and again in May, Gov. Jerry Brown warns Californians that the economic prosperity their state has enjoyed in recent years won’t last forever. Brown attaches his admonishments to the budgets he proposes to the Legislature – the initial one in January and a revised version […]

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  • Opinion: How Congress funds firefighting needs fixing

    Opinion: How Congress funds firefighting needs fixing

    By David Edelson and Tim Quinn, Sacramento Bee California continues to experience the worst wildfires in its history, with tragic loss of life and devastation to communities, a disaster for our state by any definition. Congress has an opportunity to act now to reduce the risk of future such disasters. California’s representatives in Congress – […]

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