  • Opinion: Religious roots of America’s love for camping

    Opinion: Religious roots of America’s love for camping

    By Terence Young Summer 1868 passed as an unremarkable season at Saranac Lake in New York’s Adirondack Mountains. The weather was fine, the scenery delightful, and the usual array of 200 to 300 recreational hunters and anglers passed through the small settlement on their way into the wild lands beyond. The summers of 1869 and […]

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  • Opinion: Separating health care facts from fiction

    Opinion: Separating health care facts from fiction

    By Marco Huerta Signing up for a health insurance plan can be daunting and time consuming. As a certified enrollment counselor, my job is to make it easier for South Lake Tahoe families and individuals to navigate Covered California and enroll in a health care plan. With all the talk the about health care, I […]

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  • Opinion: Water data is for fighting

    Opinion: Water data is for fighting

    By Joe Mathews If you thought California’s famously bitter water wars were hard-fought, just wait until you see our water data wars. Digital tools have expanded the ability of governments, companies and nonprofits to measure the uses of California water, and build more water-efficient products, boost water conservation, and replace expensive and inefficient infrastructure. But […]

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  • Letter: Tahoe homeless group says thank you

    Letter: Tahoe homeless group says thank you

    To the community, A gracious thank you to those who participated in the Faces of Homelessness on Oct. 26 at Valhalla, especially our primary event sponsors Temple Bat Yam and the Tahoe Chamber.  It was warm inside the great room, with a fire roaring behind our presenters; however, their accounts of being homeless were quite […]

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  • Opinion: Lives lost in fires should never be forgotten

    Opinion: Lives lost in fires should never be forgotten

    By Carl Nolte, San Francisco Chronicle All that is left now are ashes and ruins. The terrifying walls of fire and smoke that rolled over the region are gone. The North Bay fires have almost dropped out of the news. But 42 persons are known dead, and many are still missing. We may never know […]

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  • Letter: People of Calif. deserve a voice

    Letter: People of Calif. deserve a voice

    To the community, Liberals have a history of justifying their socialistic/communistic philosophy, because it is “for the good of all.” This is perhaps why the Democrat/progressives in Sacramento do not feel compelled to put gas tax increases or other legislation before a vote of the people. Only they the powerful know what is best for […]

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  • Opinion: EDC needs a real county counsel

    Opinion: EDC needs a real county counsel

    By Larry Weitzman Don Corleone, the godfather in the Mario Puzo novels, had a real consigliere, a lawyer who advised Corleone as to the ups and downs of his business and other moves. As a lawyer he stayed away from the violence of the family business, but as a lawyer and consigliere he advised the […]

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  • Letter: Heavenly continues to give to B&B

    Letter: Heavenly continues to give to B&B

    To the community, “It is a great feeling to know I work for a company that enjoys giving back to the community,” commented Chris Barbar.   Barbar is the assistant manager for ticket sales at Heavenly Mountain Resort and on Oct. 23, through Heavenly’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment sponsorship, spent another Monday helping Bread & […]

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  • Opinion: EDC may oppose federal tax plan

    Opinion: EDC may oppose federal tax plan

    Publisher’s note: On the Nov. 7 El Dorado County Board of Supervisors agenda is a recommendation from CAO Don Ashton for the board to consider sending a letter similar to the one below to representatives opposing the House-passed federal budget resolution that would allow Congress to use a simple majority vote to eliminate the State […]

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  • Opinion: How to stop fighting the Civil War

    Opinion: How to stop fighting the Civil War

    By David Goldfield It began as a loving effort to heal the South’s wounds, to properly mourn the young men who gave their lives for a lost cause, and to extract dignity from the humiliation of defeat.  Immediately after the Civil War ended, the white women of the South went to work. They tended graves, […]

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