  • Letter: Why Measure C makes sense

    Letter: Why Measure C makes sense

    To the community, I’m voting for Measure C because South Lake Tahoe needs a reliable and transparent way to fund road maintenance and improvement. Last winter was illustration enough for me. After I hit a pothole on Pioneer Trail during a snowstorm, I had no other option than to spend $800 for new tires if […]

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  • Opinion: It takes a team to overcome curve balls

    Opinion: It takes a team to overcome curve balls

    By Virginia Berry Have you ever made a decision that took you down the wrong path in life? Boy. I sure have. Have you ever stumbled and fallen when facing challenges that seemed insurmountable? I’m raising my hand. Did life ever throw you a curve ball that you didn’t see coming, and perhaps you reacted […]

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  • Letter: Planning to vote yes on Measure C

    Letter: Planning to vote yes on Measure C

    To the community, Ever since I moved to South Lake Tahoe, potholes and cracks have covered our city’s roads and presented a danger to residents. We have all seen cars swerve all over the road, only to realize it’s not a drunken driver, but rather someone trying to avoid potholes. Our roads should not be […]

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  • Opinion: Bump at the pump wasn’t necessary

    Opinion: Bump at the pump wasn’t necessary

    By Ted Gaines California already has some of the highest gas taxes and worst roads in the country. As of Nov. 1, our gas taxes are second to none. The largest gas tax increase in California’s history took effect Wednesday. Motorists will now be paying an additional 12 centers per gallon of gasoline and 20 […]

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  • Letter: Time to fix South Lake Tahoe’s roads

    Letter: Time to fix South Lake Tahoe’s roads

    To the community, As a proud longtime resident of South Lake Tahoe, I find it embarrassing that our community has not been able to take care of our roads. From a lack of sidewalks to enormous potholes and cracks, our roads are dangerous and need to be fixed. Measure C is the right way to […]

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  • Letter: Homeless Coalition gives thanks

    Letter: Homeless Coalition gives thanks

    To the community, Thank you to our community of supporters for making the 2017 Homebrew for the Homeless a successful fundraiser. The Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless event at the DDRC Ranch was supported by over 60 individual and business sponsors. A special cheers to major donors: Hops Envy, Reliapro Painters, darke. Marketing, Tahoe Mountain […]

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  • Opinion: Daly’s ghost haunts El Dorado County

    Opinion: Daly’s ghost haunts El Dorado County

    By Larry Weitzman Before Terri Daly got the job as El Dorado County assistant chief administrative officer and then CAO, she was the CAO of Amador County working her way up from assistant CAO to CAO. She cost Amador County about $20 million in a bad lease deal which I wrote about four years ago. […]

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  • Letter: Reasons for a yes on Measure C

    Letter: Reasons for a yes on Measure C

    To the community, I have lived in South Lake Tahoe for 37 years and hope to live in this amazing place for many more years to come. In that time I have not always been pleased with the way our city has spent its tax revenues, but in the last several years I believe there […]

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  • Opinion: When Halloween mischief turned to mayhem

    Opinion: When Halloween mischief turned to mayhem

    By Lesley Bannatyne Imagine. Pre-electricity, no moon. It’s late October, and the people whisper: This is the season for witchery, the night the spirits of the dead rise from their graves. The wind kicks up, and branches click like skeletal finger bones. You make it home, run inside, and wedge a chair against the door. […]

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  • Letter: Plenty of reasons to vote no on Measure C

    Letter: Plenty of reasons to vote no on Measure C

    To the community, Basic expenses. We all know what those are: rent, food, utilities and clothing. In a city, basic expenses would be roads, snow removal, police and fire. A recent staff report stated that the city has seen an “increase in property, sales and transient occupancy taxes.” So why do they need more for […]

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