Publisher’s note: The following was given to Lake Tahoe News by someone other than the city manager. The information, though, was disseminated by the city manager to people beyond the South Lake Tahoe City Council. LTN first broke this story. Click here for that story.
Wednesday 12:41 a.m.
Mayor and Council:
I am writing to alert you that Chief of Police Terry Daniels communicated with me his intention to retire by the end of the year. Chief Daniels told me that with the City’s early retirement offer and his evaluation of finances, the best strategy for him is to retire before the end of this calendar year. He said that he will be available to assist the City and the Department in whatever way possible should his assistance be needed. He mentions that the “continued success of the Police department is very important to me professionally and as a citizen of the Community.” I will leave to Chief Daniels to announce his plans to the Department and the Community.
Chief Daniels has served the City and the Department for many years with commitment and conviction. Being in a position of leadership is not always an easy task. The Department continues to perform, and we are fortunate to have quality men and women working there.
I am initiating immediately a process for recruitment of a new Chief of Police that will involve at a minimum the following steps:
1. Advertisement of the opening in State and national police professional publications.
2. Consultation with recognized association leadership of sworn and non-sworn personnel to characterize what they would like to see in a new Chief of Police.
3. Input from members of the City Council via the City Manager to assess what characteristics they would like to see in a new Chief of Police.
4. Convening an outside panel of law enforcement experts (Chiefs of Police or other law enforcement professionals) to assess the skills of top technical skills of top candidates, namely, do they have the right law enforcement skills to be a chief of police?
5. Convening a City Department Director panel to assess interdepartmental skills and abilities to work with others
6. Convening a panel from the POA to offer non-binding advice on the top candidates for the position
7. Thorough and complete background review, including medical and psychological test of the top candidates for the position.
8. Appointment
After Chief Daniels retires at the end of this month, Captain [Martin] Hewlett, the ranking officer in the Department, will be named Acting Chief of Police until the recruitment is completed, and the position of Captain will not be refilled during the recruitment process.
David Jinkens, MPA City Manager