  • Letter: Douglas Rotary gives back at B&B

    Letter: Douglas Rotary gives back at B&B

    To the community, As an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization, Bread & Broth greatly values the many partnerships that have developed over the 28 years that it was been feeding the needy in the Lake Tahoe South Shore community. These partnerships involve volunteering, donating food and funds and sponsoring Monday Adopt A Day of Nourishment dinners.  Beginning […]

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  • Opinion: The idea of ‘Main Street’ in America

    Opinion: The idea of ‘Main Street’ in America

    By Miles Orvell In the United States, Main Street has always been two things—a place and an idea. As both, Main Street has embodied the contradictions of the country itself.  It is the self-consciousness of the idea of Main Street – from its origins in a Nathaniel Hawthorne sketch of New England, to Walt Disney’s […]

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  • Opinion: SLT being illogical about VHR rules

    Opinion: SLT being illogical about VHR rules

    By Jim Morris I hate to waste my time, but I cannot let the erroneous propaganda put out by the emperor of City Hall go unrebutted. The city will not let go of this “nuisance” problem as it diverts focus on the dismal road conditions that the city has neglected for years. Also, city management […]

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  • Editorial: Will Calif. ever pay off its debt?

    Editorial: Will Calif. ever pay off its debt?

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Sept. 27, 2017, Orange County Register. Last month, we questioned whether Congress would ever get serious about paying down the national debt. Now we pose a similar question of our state elected officials. There have been some successes, like the adoption of some much-needed, albeit modest, pension reform […]

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  • Letter: Elks give time, money to B&B

    Letter: Elks give time, money to B&B

    To the community, Working the serving line at Bread & Broth’s Monday meal on Sept. 25 were members of the Tahoe Douglas Elk Lodge No. 2670. J.J. Clause, Steve Kurek, Jim Plamenig and Gary Wendt came prepared to represent their fellow Elk Lodge members at the organization’s Adopt of Day of Nourishment. This enthusiastic group […]

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  • Opinion: Good vegan, bad vegan

    Opinion: Good vegan, bad vegan

    By Jane E. Brody, New York Times I have no argument with people who adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet for health, religious, environmental or ethical reasons. But I object vehemently to proselytizers who distort science or the support for dietary advice offered to the more than 90 percent of us who choose to consume […]

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  • Opinion: Trump’s staff could save him from himself

    Opinion: Trump’s staff could save him from himself

    By Drew Mendelson The stupefying deeds of the Trump White House are passing in such a blur these days that it is hard to parse the incompetence. From policies foreign and domestic that churn without solidifying, to presidential tweets that seem the products of insult comedians, to an obsession with fixing blame before even knowing […]

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  • Letter: Explaining SLT’s money for roads

    Letter: Explaining SLT’s money for roads

    To the community,   I am writing this letter to the editor in response to the Lake Tahoe News editorial publicized Oct. 2, 2017. First and foremost, I am writing this letter outside of my position of assistant director of Public Works of the city of South Lake Tahoe. I have always trusted and admired the […]

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  • Opinion: GOP’s latest assault on public lands

    Opinion: GOP’s latest assault on public lands

    By Wes Siler, Outside Here’s the weekly reminder that the GOP is gunning for our land: a new bill introduced to Congress seeks to remove federal oversight of oil and gas drilling on public land, thereby allowing that industry to circumvent environmental regulations. It could also limit public access to that public land. The Federal […]

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  • Opinion: A case against VHR limits

    Opinion: A case against VHR limits

    Publisher’s note: This letter was read at the Oct. 3, 2017,  South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting by Sharon Kerrigan Gomez, executive vice president of the South Tahoe Association of Realtors. Good morning, Mayor Sass, esteemed members of the council and city staff.  My name is Sharon Kerrigan and I represent the board of directors […]

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