  • Opinion: Value of parks, monuments is more than money

    Opinion: Value of parks, monuments is more than money

    By Jerry Nickelsburg The United States has an extensive system of amazing parks.  From the Shenandoah National Park, close to where I grew up, to Sequoia National Park, where I am a trustee for Lost Soldier’s Cave, our national parks connect Americans to our remarkable landscapes and wilderness areas. I have annual passes to the […]

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  • Opinion: California lawmakers and their taxes

    Opinion: California lawmakers and their taxes

    By Ted Gaines Following the conclusion of the 2017 legislative session, I’d like to highlight just a few of the ways the Legislature voted to increase taxes and make California less affordable. Gas Tax (Senate Bill 1) The Legislature passed and the governor signed a transportation proposal that imposes $52 billion in permanent new gas […]

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  • Opinion: Close encounters with a scary fire season

    Opinion: Close encounters with a scary fire season

    By Michael Baughman, High Country News In September 1982, my wife, Hilde, and I learned firsthand about wildfires during a backpacking trip in Northern California. While we were fly-fishing a creek miles from camp, we noticed a cloud of smoke drifting upstream. More smoke, thick smoke, soon followed, and then hot wind, and then we […]

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  • Letter: Stop the proliferation of VHRs in SLT

    Letter: Stop the proliferation of VHRs in SLT

    To the community, I live in a part of South Lake Tahoe with many vacation rental properties. Most are rented to people who just want a nice outdoorsy vacation. But not all. Most are registered with the city and pay appropriate taxes and fees. But not all. There is a debate now, with many residents […]

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  • Letter: Kirkwood workers help at B&B

    Letter: Kirkwood workers help at B&B

    To the community, On Sept. 11, Kirkwood Mountain Resort base operations team members joined Bread & Broth volunteers serving the dinner guests who came to Grace Hall for a delicious meal and the companionship of fellow diners. The diners were in for a real treat when the B&B cooks whipped up fried catfish and French […]

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  • Opinion: Living online, will anyone know when you die?

    Opinion: Living online, will anyone know when you die?

    By Emma Jones I suspected that something was wrong on the Sunday morning when I saw the beginning of a Facebook post in my newsfeed sidebar that said, in French, “Our dear AJ has given up …. ” I was unable to read the rest because it was removed as I looked at it, but […]

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  • Opinion: A Calif. residency program for the undocumented

    Opinion: A Calif. residency program for the undocumented

    By Joe Mathews MEMO To: Acting U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke and Attorney General Jeff Sessions From: The Golden State Re: An alternative to mass deportation of Californians This is a legal proposal, so let’s start with a stipulation. You are monsters. You are rapidly deporting undocumented Californians, many of whom are crucial […]

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  • Letter: Questions about Kings Beach event center

    Letter: Questions about Kings Beach event center

    Publisher’s note: The following comments were sent to the North Tahoe Public Utility District board by Tahoe Vista resident Ellie Waller regarding the North Tahoe Event Center-Laulima lease. Can the attorney please explain the terms of the out clause and its enforceability? What language in the out clause is ironclad that guarantees the district can […]

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  • Editorial: Don’t bend Calif. environmental rules for Olympics

    Editorial: Don’t bend Calif. environmental rules for Olympics

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Sept. 8, 2017, Los Angeles Times. California lawmakers are — again — considering a last-minute bill that would let deep-pocketed developers and favored projects cut corners on the state’s landmark environmental law. State Sen. Steven Bradford, D-Gardena, introduced a bill that was pitched as a way to dramatically […]

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  • Opinion: Most popular outdoors program is in danger

    Opinion: Most popular outdoors program is in danger

    By Elizabeth Miller, Backpacker Jonathan Asher didn’t know much about the Land and Water Conservation Fund when he started working for the Wilderness Society, where he’s a senior representative for government relations. But when he scrolled through the list of projects that it had paid for, he found that it touched his life from end […]

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