  • Opinion: EDC pension prognostication pitfalls

    Opinion: EDC pension prognostication pitfalls

    By Larry Weitzman In the Sacramento Bee was a recent front page article showing that 33 percent of metro fire retirees earn more than $100,000 a year in retirement, 216 out of 657 retirees. In fact, 13 of those retirees received more than $200,000 a year. It is an unsustainable system. And situations like this […]

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  • Opinion: Improving lake clarity is a group effort

    Opinion: Improving lake clarity is a group effort

    By Joanne Marchetta Lake Tahoe is known around the world for its crystal-clear water. For several decades, Tahoe’s clarity, which measured more than 100 feet in 1968, was declining each year because of stormwater pollution from poorly planned development and the lingering effects of historical activities such as cattle grazing and logging. Clarity reached an […]

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  • Opinion: The truth about vacation rentals

    Opinion: The truth about vacation rentals

    By Jim Morris I read with great interest Mayor Austin Sass’s recent column of how he and Wendy David have been living, sleeping, and eating the VHR issue for over two years. I internalized these words and reflected how we, as responsible vacation home rental managers, have been dealing with inept City Councils and city […]

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  • Letter: NTPUD article misleads the public

    Letter: NTPUD article misleads the public

    To the community, Duane Whitelaw, the manager of the North Tahoe Public Utility District (NTPUD), Aug. 31 column regarding the potential 70-year lease of the North Tahoe Event Center to one of Laulima Partner’s LLC’s was full of spin and factual omissions. Don’t the NTPUD ratepayers deserve the whole story? We do.  The event center […]

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  • Letter: Facts should govern immigration laws

    Letter: Facts should govern immigration laws

    To the community, Main stream media and the former Obama administration have done a good job of misleading people by not telling the whole story, because division, deceit and disruption is the game of choice for liberals and progressives, regardless of the costs or risks to Americans and our republic form of government. DACA, the […]

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  • Letter: Summer reading program a success

    Letter: Summer reading program a success

    To the community, The South Lake Tahoe Library just wrapped up our Summer Reading Challenge, which encouraged children, teens, and adults to read all summer long. Over 300 patrons registered, logging a total of 3,990 books, and earning a total of 1,055 prizes. We would like to thank the many businesses and organizations that donated […]

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  • Opinion: Make better decisions on spending ski money

    Opinion: Make better decisions on spending ski money

    By Julie Brown, Powder I don’t think twice about buying a season pass. It’s a line item in my budget and as important to my happiness as a roof over my head, and unless my friends decide to mass migrate to another mountain, I’m probably going to stick with the resort I’ve skied at my […]

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  • Opinion: Where’s the safest place in Calif. to live?

    Opinion: Where’s the safest place in Calif. to live?

    By Shawn Hubler, Sacramento Bee Last week, as Los Angeles burned, San Francisco baked, Houston reeled amid biblical flooding and the Florida Keys braced for Hurricane Irma, David W. Titley picked up his phone on the other side of the country and cut to the chase. “Forty north,” the Penn State University meteorology professor of […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. fights feds over states’ rights

    Opinion: Calif. fights feds over states’ rights

    By Dan Walters, CalMatters California’s Democratic state government is exerting “resistance” to the Republican federal government on issues such as immigration and climate change. California insists, under the doctrine of “states’ rights,” that President Donald Trump and a Republican Congress should not interfere with state policies on those and other issues that reflect Californians’ views. […]

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  • Opinion: Tell NTPUD board to say no to Laulima

    Opinion: Tell NTPUD board to say no to Laulima

    By Ann Nichols Come to the events center Sept. 7 at 5:30pm to express your concern to the NTPUD board. The 70-year proposed lease (30 years plus two 20-year options) of the North Tahoe Event Center in Kings Beach to Laulima LLC or any of their many affiliates creates huge district liabilities for North Tahoe […]

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