  • Column: California’s football losers

    Column: California’s football losers

    By Joe Mathews No one can know for sure whether any of California’s four National Football League teams—the 49ers, Raiders, Rams, and Chargers—will emerge as big winners in the new season. But we already know who the losers will be: California cities foolish enough to host NFL teams. In the rest of America, major cities […]

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  • Opinion: LTCC denounces DACA decision

    Opinion: LTCC denounces DACA decision

    By Jeff DeFranco Lake Tahoe Community College joins the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley in denouncing the White House’s action on Tuesday to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The program protects 800,000 immigrant youth who were brought to the United States by their parents from deportation, […]

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  • Opinion: Tahoe the talk of Hollywood

    Opinion: Tahoe the talk of Hollywood

    By Carol Chaplin This past week is one for the record books in South Lake Tahoe. I know, you’re thinking record temperatures, attendance at one of our special events or our filled-to-capacity lake. All wrong — I’m referring to ABC’s Emmy Award-winning hit TV comedy series “Modern Family” and the filming of the show’s season […]

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  • Letter: Heavenly helps at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Heavenly helps at Bread & Broth

    To the community, Another Bread & Broth Monday meal and another Adopt A Day of Nourishment sponsored by Heavenly Mountain Resort. Thanks to funding provided by Vail’s EpicPromise grant, Heavenly Mountain Resort hosted B&B’s Monday meal on Aug. 28.   Signing up to support the B&B volunteers were Heavenly’s hospitality market team members Michelle Beall, Chris […]

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  • Opinion: Good governance an oxymoron in EDC

    Opinion: Good governance an oxymoron in EDC

    By Larry Weitzman Thomas Jefferson said it best as to what is good governance when he said, “Those who govern least, govern best.”  I wonder how many high school seniors are aware of TJ’s quote? El Dorado County is currently spending (wasting) tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in trying to […]

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  • Opinion: Embracing change on Labor Day

    Opinion: Embracing change on Labor Day

    By Kathryn Reed It was in 1894 that Congress passed legislation making the first Monday of September a holiday in honor of those who labor. More than 120 years later the labor force is dramatically different, and yet not so much. There are still carpenters, teachers, nurses and many other professions from the 19th century. […]

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  • Editorial: Labor bill bad for counties, taxpayers and residents

    Editorial: Labor bill bad for counties, taxpayers and residents

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Aug. 24, 2017, Santa Rosa Press Democrat. Even after eight years of economic expansion, California counties continue to struggle to keep budgets in check under the growing strain of retirement and medical costs for public employees. But that problem would grow substantially worse under a contemptuous bill now […]

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  • Opinion: Importance of fire rating system

    Opinion: Importance of fire rating system

    By Lisa Herron As we drive through the state and national forests we have all seen the Smokey Bear fire danger rating signs. What do those signs mean and what are the criteria for low, moderate, high, very high and extreme ratings?  What is the National Fire Danger Rating System? The National Fire Danger Rating […]

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  • Letter: Liberty takes turn at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Liberty takes turn at Bread & Broth

    To the community, “Here at Liberty, one of our core values is community. We are all part of this community and enjoy participating by giving back whenever we can.”  This was the collaborative comment given by the sponsor crew members from the Adopt A Day of Nourishment host Liberty Utilities at the sponsorship dinner on […]

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  • Opinion: Explaining electric rates

    Opinion: Explaining electric rates

    By Paulette Sproul Liberty Utilities wants to help customers understand the often complex and confusing world of electric rates and billing statements, and have developed several documents to do just that. Customers continually tell us that they don’t fully understand how electric rates are determined and specifically how they can read their bills. We want […]

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