  • Opinion: Rafting companies need to pay to play

    Opinion: Rafting companies need to pay to play

    By Larry Weitzman I want my readers to understand about county government functions. Services that provide a general benefit, like public safety (sheriff, DA, PD, probation) roads, infrastructure, zoning, business licensing and parks, to a lesser extent, provide a general benefit to all county residents and should be paid for by the general population and […]

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  • Opinion: The impact of Sears on the American economy

    Opinion: The impact of Sears on the American economy

    By Vicki Howard The lifetime of Sears has spanned, and embodied, the rise of modern American consumer culture. The 130-year-old mass merchandiser that was once the largest retailer in the United States is part of the fabric of American society. From its start as a 19th-century mail-order firm, to its heyday on Main Street and […]

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  • Opinion: Granddaddy’s version of racism in America

    Opinion: Granddaddy’s version of racism in America

    By Myah Genung I lived most of my childhood convinced that my grandfather, Calvin Muldrow, was Superman. On summer evenings, I’d perch atop his knee as we sat on the creaky back porch of his red brick house in North Little Rock. He’d weave elaborate tall tales about his magical excursions gliding over the jungle […]

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  • Opinion: The brainiest train in California

    Opinion: The brainiest train in California

    By Joe Mathews My train line is smarter than your train line. I ride The Brain Train, officially the L.A. Metro system’s Gold Line, running from the San Gabriel Valley into downtown L.A. and back out again to East L.A. Along the way, it connects enough smart institutions to explode stereotypes about public transportation and […]

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  • Opinion: Is Calif. an incubator or a bubble?

    Opinion: Is Calif. an incubator or a bubble?

    By Joe Mathews California, are you an incubator for great ideas—or a bubble that shuts them out? That’s the question Californians must ask as we confront big challenges, from climate change to our housing shortage to the threats from the Trump administration. The bubble-or-incubator question is also the best way to understand the fights being […]

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  • Opinion: The overlooked weather trackers

    Opinion: The overlooked weather trackers

    By Roger Turner You’ve probably never heard of the Air Resources Laboratory. I hadn’t until two years ago, when I was hired to preserve a trove of oral histories recorded in the early 1990s. Those audio cassettes held a history of hidden science, full of amazing stories about nuclear explosions, air pollution, and volcanoes. I […]

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  • Letter: Boys & Girls Club says thanks

    Letter: Boys & Girls Club says thanks

    To the community, Tahoe’s first ever Brewfest last month was such a huge success that it ran out of beer and raised over $20,000 for the Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe. The brain child of Cold Water’s Deb Brown, the Tahoe Brewfest was made a reality on June 10. With all proceeds benefiting […]

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  • Opinion: Pull the plug on EV subsidies

    Opinion: Pull the plug on EV subsidies

    By Larry Weitzman California is a great place to live. Hundreds of miles of grand, majestic mountains and picturesque beaches sandwich a central valley that has proven to be the fruit and vegetable basket of the United States. When you couple that with about the best, most temperate and diverse climate in the world (it […]

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  • Opinion: Probation has important role to play

    Opinion: Probation has important role to play

    By Brian Richardt By proclamation of the Board of Supervisors, El Dorado County celebrated probation services July 17-21. As the chief probation officer in El Dorado County, I would like to take the opportunity to reflect on the critical work probation does in our criminal justice system and say thank you to all the men […]

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  • Opinion: North Tahoe Event Center giveaway

    Opinion: North Tahoe Event Center giveaway

    By Ann Nichols For the past 14 months the North Tahoe Public Utility District executive staff and board have been negotiating with the developer Laulima on a long-term lease of the North Tahoe Event Center in Kings Beach.  Laulima originally asked for a 99-year term; really a sale. Although the NTPUD claims it has had […]

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