  • Letter: Yacht Club helps out on land

    Letter: Yacht Club helps out on land

    To the community, The South Lake Tahoe Yacht Club’s sponsor crew had a busy evening at the July 10 Adopt A Day of Nourishment dinner event.   Helping the Bread & Broth volunteers at their sponsorship meal were SLTYC members George and Liz-Ann Hainsworth, Tina Miranda and Joseph and Bonnie Phair. This hardworking team prepared the […]

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  • Opinion: Collaborative approach to Tahoe’s shoreline

    Opinion: Collaborative approach to Tahoe’s shoreline

    By Joanne Marchetta, Darcie Goodman Collins, and Jan Brisco School is out and summer is in full swing at Lake Tahoe. Visitors and residents are heading to beaches and launching boats, kayaks, and standup paddleboards to get out and enjoy the jewel of the Sierra. Millions of people visit Tahoe each year and the shoreline […]

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  • Opinion: Benefits of an LTCC education

    Opinion: Benefits of an LTCC education

    By Bob Cliff Everyone knows what Barton Memorial Hospital does. We have all used it for one reason or another. Yet many people in our community may not fully appreciate what Lake Tahoe Community College brings to our community. On June 30, LTCC held its graduation ceremony with over 150 students getting a degree or […]

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  • Opinion: Sportswear brands should use athletes

    Opinion: Sportswear brands should use athletes

    By Sasha DiGiulian, Outside I recently read an article on Racked titled “Want to Sell Me Sportswear? Show Me an Athlete,” and it resonated with me as a professional athlete who’s never been in a major sportswear ad. It made me ask: Why do big athletic companies, like Nike, Adidas, and Reebok, often choose high-fashion models to pose as female […]

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  • Opinion: ‘Fire tax’ caught up in politics

    Opinion: ‘Fire tax’ caught up in politics

    By Ted Gaines Gov. Jerry Brown is dangling elimination of the illegal “fire tax” as a sweetener for Republicans to vote for his incredibly expensive, pie-in-the-sky climate change scheme that would put billions upon billions of new costs on the backs of California families and businesses. I hate the fire tax. It smacks of all […]

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  • Opinion: Fearing emotionally manipulative robots

    Opinion: Fearing emotionally manipulative robots

    By Colin Allen and Fritz Breithaupt “Keep going straight here!” “Err, that’s not what the app is telling me to do.” “Yes, but it’s faster this way. The app is taking you to the beltway. Traffic is terrible there!” “OK. I don’t know these roads.” So went a conversation with an Uber driver in northern […]

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  • Letter: Seeking justice at the federal level

    Letter: Seeking justice at the federal level

    To the community, My company has a set of guidelines for both personal and professional standards one can function and operate within life and society. One of those is, “All you have are your own ideas and the confidence to write them down.” So, on June 26, as a private citizen or a “common man […]

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  • Opinion: EDC energy program fleeces seniors

    Opinion: EDC energy program fleeces seniors

    By Larry Weitzman Another “legacy” instituted by former El Dorado County CAO Larry Combs, which is running rampant in our senior community like a bad disease, is the PACE program. PACE is the acronym for Property Assessed Clean Energy. It is also known as the HERO program which acronym means Home Energy Renovation Opportunity. Whatever […]

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  • Opinion: Trust in government not a great idea

    Opinion: Trust in government not a great idea

    By Joel Fox, Fox & Hounds Reassurances to taxpayers about proper management of new revenue on the state and local level is too often ignored by politicians once the money is secured. Recent examples of attempts to spend money differently than promised are common—but it’s an old story, as well. The legislature passed the gas […]

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  • Opinion: Marijuana needs a few good middlemen

    Opinion: Marijuana needs a few good middlemen

    By Eric Spitz California’s marijuana industry will soon begin its transition from an illicit ecosystem fraught with guns, cash, and cartels into a regulated economic juggernaut. The stakes of getting it right are high. Not only will the industry produce an expected $1 billion in annual tax dollars for youth drug prevention, restoration of the […]

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