  • Letter: Yacht club serves dinner at B&B

    Letter: Yacht club serves dinner at B&B

    To the community, It takes team work to crew a sailboat and the Lake Tahoe Windjammer Yacht Club members brought their team skills to help the Bread & Broth volunteers serve the June 5 Monday meal dinner at St. Theresa Grace Hall. Representing the LT Windjammers at their Adopt A Day of Nourishment dinner were […]

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  • Opinion: El Dorado County’s senior legal ruse

    Opinion: El Dorado County’s senior legal ruse

    By Larry Weitzman In my last column, I wrote that Item 35 on the Board of Supervisors agenda set to be heard at 2pm on June 20 is set terminate senior legal. In reading the agenda item there will be no county funding of senior legal. It will remain intact from current unspent donations of […]

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  • Letter: Important to say yes to SLT roads

    Letter: Important to say yes to SLT roads

    To the community, South Lake Tahoe City Council will be placing a road improvement measure on the upcoming Nov. 7 ballot. If passed, this one-half cent sales tax measure would provide approximately $2.5 million annually that could only be used to fund the repairs that our aging roads in South Lake Tahoe desperately need. Passage […]

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  • Opinion: The coverup and the excuses in EDC

    Opinion: The coverup and the excuses in EDC

    By Larry Weitzman The current conspiracy to eliminate senior legal has become a tag team wrestling match. First in the ring was Don Ashton who said, “I needed to find another $250,000 to cut to make the $280 million General Fund budget work.” Ashton was cutting another one-tenth of 1 percent (a one-one thousandth) of […]

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  • Letter: Making a case for senior legal services

    Letter: Making a case for senior legal services

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors on June 15, 2017. Dear Board of Supervisors, As the chair of Friends of Seniors, a local nonprofit under the El Dorado Community Foundation, I have become familiar with the excellent senior services we have in El Dorado County, and the […]

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  • Opinion: Is Calif.’s festival bubble about to burst?

    Opinion: Is Calif.’s festival bubble about to burst?

    By Joe Mathews The next bubble to burst in California just might be the festival bubble. The festival economy is growing so fast that it runs the risk of overheating. Even after expanding from one weekend to two and increasing capacity to 125,000, the Coachella Arts and Music Festival still sold out in just three […]

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  • Opinion: TRPA misses the mark with transportation

    Opinion: TRPA misses the mark with transportation

    By Jeffrey Spencer In TRPA’s latest publication Tahoe In Depth there is an article about their latest plan for transportation.  The article outlines transit improvements, trails and technology. What is interesting to me is their thinking is reactionary rather than visionary; 19th century thinking for 21st century problems. We all have experienced the gridlock caused […]

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  • Letter: Sister church helps at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Sister church helps at Bread & Broth

    To the community, “It was a great experience to celebrate Memorial Day with the local community, sharing the traditional holiday fare of hamburgers, hot dogs, barbecue beans and much more!” exclaimed Ed Day while taking a break from serving dinners to Bread & Broth Monday meal guests. Day continued that he was also “taken back […]

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  • Letter: Questioning keeping STHS soccer coach

    Letter: Questioning keeping STHS soccer coach

    Updated June 18: To the community, I am writing you in regards to the article that has surfaced regarding Mark Salmon, Soccer Coach at South Tahoe High School. I am not able to make it to the board meeting June 13, but I would like to be heard regarding this matter. I have worked next […]

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  • Opinion: A state park’s miracle and disappointment

    Opinion: A state park’s miracle and disappointment

    By Joe Mathews Riddle: When is a miracle also a disappointment? Answer: When the miracle is a California state project. Case in point: the miraculous recent opening of the Los Angeles State Historic Park. Miracle one: It’s a large (32 acres) park—with broad grassy fields large enough to fly kites or hold big concerts, and […]

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