  • Opinion: EDC budget requires tough decisions

    Opinion: EDC budget requires tough decisions

    By Don Ashton Last Friday, I delivered to the Board of Supervisors and publicly released the county’s recommended budget. The 422-page document deserves some context. In theory, crafting a budget should be a relatively simple endeavor. You add up the money that comes in, subtract the cost of mandated programs that must be paid for, […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. healthcare bill is financial folly

    Opinion: Calif. healthcare bill is financial folly

    By Ted Gaines Are you ready for California to double your taxes? What about triple or quadruple them? A bill currently making its way through the state Legislature could push tax rates up beyond imagination, making us tax serfs to the state, and driving hundreds of thousands of jobs out of California. Senate Bill 562, […]

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  • Letter: Knights of Columbus at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Knights of Columbus at Bread & Broth

    To the community, Being a member of the Knights of Columbus means that you are there to help those in need. On May 15, members of St. Theresa Church’s Knights of Columbus were doing just that as they volunteered their time to serve at B&B’s Monday meal.  They were a helpful and jovial group that […]

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  • Opinion: More senior legal shenanigans in EDC

    Opinion: More senior legal shenanigans in EDC

    By Larry Weitzman It has been recently confirmed from informed sources that a new attorney has been hired by senior legal. Her first day on the job was May 1. On May 25, this newly hired attorney was informed that her job was being eliminated in El Dorado County’s new proposed budget for 2017-18. The […]

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  • Opinion: Growing retirement costs hit Calif. state budget hard

    Opinion: Growing retirement costs hit Calif. state budget hard

    By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee California’s rapidly growing public employee retirement costs weigh heavily on the 2017-18 state budget now being fashioned, but their impact is only partially revealed in budget documents. Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed budget does tell us that the state has $205.9 billion in “unfunded liabilities” for pensions and health care for […]

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  • Letter: Homeless coalition appreciative of support

    Letter: Homeless coalition appreciative of support

    To the community, On behalf of the Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless (TCH), I would like to thank our community for your support through the second winter of the South Lake Tahoe warm oom project.  Our organization received donations from over 200 different individuals and businesses, and benefited from over 60 volunteers who provided over […]

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  • Opinion: A healthier Lake Tahoe community

    Opinion: A healthier Lake Tahoe community

    By Clint Purvance This week, June 4-10, is Community Health Improvement Week. It is a national celebration to recognize the work and efforts of health professionals to improve their community’s health. One thing you will hear from Barton Health professionals is that improving the health and wellness in our community takes collaboration and commitment. This […]

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  • Opinion: We can make a difference post-Paris accord

    Opinion: We can make a difference post-Paris accord

    By Nick Exline On June 1, as I watched President Trump announce that his administration would be pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord, I couldn’t help but reflect on President Ronald Reagan’s farewell address to the nation in which he imparted, for the final time as president, his vision that the […]

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  • Letter: Ex-director defends EDC senior services

    Letter: Ex-director defends EDC senior services

    Publisher’s note: The following email was sent to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors on May 18 from John Litwinovisch, El Dorado County Community Services-Human Services Department director from 1982-2007. Dear members of the board, Three years ago I sent your board a message regarding our county’s senior services. In light of current fiscal […]

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  • Letter: EDC takes issue with column

    Letter: EDC takes issue with column

    To the community, Re: Seniors get shaft in EDC budget (Opinion, June 1, 2017), the following misleading information presented as fact must be put right.  Paragraph 1: “…..a program that is funded about 65 percent by the county, and by about 35 percent private donations and a small federal government grant.” Clarification: Senior Legal receives […]

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