  • Letter: Camp Rich signal slowing down traffic

    Letter: Camp Rich signal slowing down traffic

    Publisher’s note: The following letter was sent to Caltrans. ​Last year as part of the Hwy. 89 upgrade between South Lake Tahoe Y and Camp Richardson, Caltrans put in a pedestrian beacon in hopes of reducing the backup to the car traffic on Hwy. 89. Moving forward to the first holiday weekend (Memorial Day) the […]

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  • Opinion: Seniors get shaft in EDC budget

    Opinion: Seniors get shaft in EDC budget

    Updated 9:12am: By Larry Weitzman A day or two before the official release of the El Dorado County budget, informed sources have told this columnist that among the budget cuts will be the elimination of EDC’s senior legal program, a program that is a funded about 65 percent by the county, and by about 35 […]

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  • Opinion: Borrowing scheme for CalPERS deserves scrutiny

    Opinion: Borrowing scheme for CalPERS deserves scrutiny

    By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee Over the last few decades, the once-straightforward process of fashioning a state budget devolved into duplicitous gimmickry. Governors and legislators would paper over gaps with off-the-books loans, creative bookkeeping and deliberate falsehoods. When Jerry Brown resumed the governorship in 2011, he pledged to end fiscal hijinks and align the budget […]

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  • Letter: Kirkwood workers help at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Kirkwood workers help at Bread & Broth

    To the community, On May 8, Emily Davis, Kirkwood Mountain Resort Human Resources supervisor, experienced her first Adopt A Day volunteer stint at a Bread & Broth Monday meal.  “It was such a wonderful and fulfilling experience giving back to the community like this,” was Davis’ description of setting up and serving a healthy and […]

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  • Opinion: When Pac-Man started a national media panic

    Opinion: When Pac-Man started a national media panic

    By Michael Z. Newman In the early 1980s, spurred by the incredible popularity of Atari, Space Invaders and Pac-Man, everyone seemed to be talking about video games, if not obsessively playing them. A 1982 cover of Time magazine screamed “GRONK! FLASH! ZAP! Video Games are Blitzing the World!” If you turned on the radio that […]

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  • Letter: Cloud seeding needs to be stopped

    Letter: Cloud seeding needs to be stopped

    To the community, To everyone that needs oxygen to live … that is every single one of us and most all lifeforms. All of us have the right to clean, toxin free air and water as described in the Constitution as “the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” SMUD, Sacramento Municipal Utility […]

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  • Opinion: Expanding Memorial Day’s definition

    Opinion: Expanding Memorial Day’s definition

    By Kathryn Reed Someone is missing. That’s what Memorial Day is all about; remembering those in the military who have died. This year I’m broadening the definition of Memorial Day. I’m mourning the loss of my 32-year-old cousin who died last month, and whose services will be in June. She was an alcoholic. No one […]

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  • Letter: Maloff donation benefits women’s fund

    Letter: Maloff donation benefits women’s fund

    To the community, Ms. Lisa Maloff continues to impact the South Shore in a remarkable way. On May 18, Ms. Maloff gave a remarkable gift to the Tahoe Women’s Community Fund. During the spring gala, which focused on the theme of impact, Ms. Maloff was able to experience the loving warmth in the room after […]

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  • Opinion: Skiers need to take action on national level

    Opinion: Skiers need to take action on national level

    To the community, I am proud to share that Squaw Valley-Alpine Meadows recently received the Ski magazine Golden Eagle Award in the large resort category for our multifaceted approach to sustainability and utilization of our network to promote climate change solutions. This is a tremendous honor bestowed by the National Ski Area Association. Our work […]

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  • Opinion: Rampant fiscal irresponsibility

    Opinion: Rampant fiscal irresponsibility

    By Larry Weitzman “Bullet train Brown” has a brilliant idea recently reported on by Bay Area reporter Daniel Borenstein. It’s Brown’s idea that we borrow money from ourselves. That’s right, take $6 billion out of the state’s bank accounts and replace it with a low interest note, say 1.3 percent and then give the $6 […]

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