  • Opinion: Don’t forget lessons from Angora Fire

    Opinion: Don’t forget lessons from Angora Fire

    By Ted Gaines This Sunday marks the 11th anniversary of the devastating Angora Fire. I will never forget the severity of what I saw 11 years ago when I toured the wreckage left behind from this destructive fire. The community has done a remarkable job of picking up the pieces and rebuilding their homes and […]

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  • Opinion: Trump’s tent city for children is a concentration camp

    Opinion: Trump’s tent city for children is a concentration camp

    By Andrea Pitzer What does it mean that the United States of America is taking children from their parents and detaining them in camps? News of a tent city dedicated to holding children in harsh conditions should evoke alarm, not least because child detention has a long and nasty history. For centuries, children have been […]

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  • Opinion: Equip students to navigate fake news websites

    Opinion: Equip students to navigate fake news websites

    By Jennifer Rich, The Conversation More than 60 percent of America’s middle and high school students rely on alt-right internet sites as credible sources for their research papers. The students are using alt-right sites to write papers on topics that range from free speech and the Second Amendment to citizenship, immigration and the Holocaust. These […]

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  • Opinion: Don’t separate families at the border

    Opinion: Don’t separate families at the border

    By Laura Bush On Sunday, a day we as a nation set aside to honor fathers and the bonds of family, I was among the millions of Americans who watched images of children who have been torn from their parents. In the six weeks between April 19 and May 31, the Department of Homeland Security […]

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  • Opinion: Alessi’s resignation a welcome surprise

    Opinion: Alessi’s resignation a welcome surprise

    By Kathryn Reed Quitting won’t get Suzie Alessi what she wants. What South Lake Tahoe’s city clerk wants is for potentially damaging or embarrassing texts and emails about her and written by her to not see the light of day. The multiple entities that have sought the documents, including Lake Tahoe News, will continue to […]

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  • Letter: EDC auditor candidate concedes

    Letter: EDC auditor candidate concedes

    To the community, As candidate for El Dorado County Auditor-Controller, I conceded the race to incumbent Joe Harn as the latest vote counts were released as of June 15. I have to admit I am kind of surprised by the results. I had a great deal of community, grass-roots support and enthusiasm from both volunteers […]

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  • Opinion: Explaining the solstices

    Opinion: Explaining the solstices

    By Stephen Schneider, The Conversation The summer solstice marks the official start of summer. It brings the longest day and shortest night of the year for the 88 percent of Earth’s people who live in the Northern Hemisphere. People around the world observe the change of seasons with bonfires and festivals and Fête de la […]

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  • Editorial: Nevada voters and renewable energy

    Editorial: Nevada voters and renewable energy

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the June 17, 2018, Las Vegas Sun. In 1997, Nevada became one of the first states in the U.S. to adopt a minimum requirement for green energy production. Today, however, other states have zoomed past us in setting such standards. In fact, Nevada’s requirement for 25 percent of our […]

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  • Editorial: Brown makes a good deal on budget

    Editorial: Brown makes a good deal on budget

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the June 12, 2018, Sacramento Bee. All budget deals are compromises in which not everyone gets everything they want. The agreement last week by Gov. Jerry Brown and legislative leaders strikes a good balance, given the state’s budget surplus, its pent-up needs and the prospect of the next recession. […]

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  • Opinion: $120,000 for California preschool

    Opinion: $120,000 for California preschool

    By Joe Mathews Since the 1990s, California’s leaders have promised to make preschool universal for every child. Maybe they’ll do it by the time I have grandchildren. It’s already too late for my own kids. The youngest of my three sons graduated from preschool last week. I celebrated by writing my final preschool check, for […]

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