  • Editorial: A strong bill to keep public agencies public

    Editorial: A strong bill to keep public agencies public

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the May 24, 2017, Ventura County Star. One of the news media’s most important functions in a democracy is to constantly remind public agencies about that “public” part of their name. Too often, government officials try to conduct the public’s business in private, and the results can be disastrous […]

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  • Opinion: Importance of talking to teens about stress

    Opinion: Importance of talking to teens about stress

    By Sonia Rupp Any parent will tell you raising teenagers is a stressful time. Are you in that stage? Talk to your teenager about it. Your stress may be similar stress for your teen.  An American Psychological Association (APA) online survey shows today’s teenagers experience greater levels of stress. Stressors include academic pressures, feeling overscheduled, […]

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  • Opinion: Calif.’s core budget problem is underspending

    Opinion: Calif.’s core budget problem is underspending

    By Joe Mathews We have reached the high holy days of California’s budget season, as our governor and Legislature decide which programs will gain life, and which will be sacrificed. And so, per tradition, our state’s ministers have begun their ritual sermons on the dangers of overspending. They are preaching nonsense. California’s real problem is […]

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  • Opinion: California’s courts are failing us

    Opinion: California’s courts are failing us

    By Joe Mathews Dig deep enough into California’s biggest problems, and you’ll hit upon a common villain: our court system. California’s housing shortage, its poverty, its poor business climate, and its failing infrastructure all are explained in part by the failure of our underfunded, delay-prone courts. But in public narratives of what’s wrong with the […]

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  • Letter: Adventure Mountain spends time at B&B

    Letter: Adventure Mountain spends time at B&B

    To the community, Adventure Mountain owners Jim and Linda Mueller are longtime and enthusiastic supporters of Bread & Broth’s Monday meal.  “Bread & Broth is a great organization serving delicious meals to the South Lake Tahoe community,” commented Jim Mueller.  “Adventure Mountain and our family always enjoys helping out such a great organization and getting […]

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  • Opinion: Paying the rent is getting tougher

    Opinion: Paying the rent is getting tougher

    By Foon Rhee, Sacramento Bee   Since the year 2000, rents have risen and so has the number of people needing affordable housing. That double whammy means that even while building more housing, many places are failing to keep pace, according to a new study by the Urban Institute. In its color-coded map, there’s only […]

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  • Opinion: Suckering Americans is a hot growth industry

    Opinion: Suckering Americans is a hot growth industry

    By Edward Balleisen American capitalism has always provided openings for hucksters and outright swindlers. For centuries, this society has been especially receptive to economic innovation and the strategies of wealth-seeking that so often accompany it. Openness to new technologies and new ways of doing business exacerbates information gaps between sellers and buyers.  Those gaps, along […]

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  • Opinion: Great deal could go wrong with Brown’s pension plan

    Opinion: Great deal could go wrong with Brown’s pension plan

    By Daniel Borenstein, Bay Area News Group Gov. Jerry Brown and state Treasurer John Chiang have a plan to help cover the state’s soaring pension payments: Borrow money at low interest rates and invest it to make a profit. What could go wrong? Lots. Unfortunately, as they try to sell this scheme to the public […]

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  • Letter: Tell NDOT not to reduce lanes on Hwy. 50

    Letter: Tell NDOT not to reduce lanes on Hwy. 50

    To the community, Tahoe locals: There is a very important meeting on May 31 at Zephyr Cove Elementary School from 4-6pm that we really need people to attend. NDOT will be presenting their concept for shrinking down Highway 50 to just one lane in each direction from Glenbrook to Round Hill. They claim it will […]

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  • Opinion: Wildfire awareness critical in Tahoe

    Opinion: Wildfire awareness critical in Tahoe

    By Joanne Marchetta This June is wildfire awareness month at Lake Tahoe. It also marks the 10th anniversary of the Angora Fire, the most destructive wildland fire in memory at Tahoe. An illegal and abandoned campfire started the Angora Fire on June 24, 2007. The fire quickly spread toward Meyers, stoked by strong winds and […]

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