  • Letter: Thankful for those who tried to save bear

    Letter: Thankful for those who tried to save bear

    To the community, Over the last few years I’ve been a strong and open critic of Nevada Department of Wildlife’s bear management program, and of those individuals that oversee that program. I feel those criticisms were highly justified, but that is not the theme of this letter. As a matter of fact, it’s the complete […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. public pension shortfall one of nation’s largest

    Opinion: Calif. public pension shortfall one of nation’s largest

    By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee Throughout California, local government and school district officials are writing new budgets and confronting rapidly rising costs of pensions. Many have seen their costs double in the last few years, largely consuming revenue increases that the state’s expanding economy have produced. For instance, a projected $1 billion increase in school […]

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  • Opinion: Refuel your body and mind

    Opinion: Refuel your body and mind

    By Lindsay Simon What fills you up? When you are tired, worn down and need some refueling, what do you do? These are just a few questions I ask parents and caregivers. For many, the daily demands are overwhelming and it is difficult to find time for self-care and to refuel. However, these are some […]

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  • Opinion: Concerns about women’s health

    Opinion: Concerns about women’s health

    By Molly Selvin, Sacramento Bee   The abortion restrictions that conservative Republicans shoehorned into Paul Ryan’s American Health Care Act were just the latest volley in their ongoing, grim war on reproductive choice. Notwithstanding the Ryan bill’s spectacular collapse, President Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans could well succeed in banning abortion or further squeezing off […]

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  • Opinion: Climate change is affecting snowpack

    Opinion: Climate change is affecting snowpack

    By Jeremy Jones, Reno Gazette-Journal Dear Republican voters: We need to talk. I’m a professional snowboarder, and during a 25-year career I’ve seen first-hand how winters have changed, how they’ve gotten warmer and inconsistent. For example, in the last 30 years, the northern hemisphere has lost a million square miles of spring snowpack and every […]

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  • Opinion: Healthy life requires balance

    Opinion: Healthy life requires balance

    By Melinda Choy Does it just seem like we need more than 24 hours in a day? I often think if I had eight more hours in a day that I could get so much more done. I realize this is an illusion and, in reality, the items on my list are never-ending. But for […]

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  • Opinion: Low-priced fruit demands workers cross borders

    Opinion: Low-priced fruit demands workers cross borders

    By Jerry Nickelsburg Two hundred years ago this year, British economist David Ricardo published his monumental work “On The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.” In it he outlined a theory of international trade based on the notion of comparative advantage. The idea is that each country does something, maybe many somethings, relatively well, and […]

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  • Letter: Humane Society in need of local support

    Letter: Humane Society in need of local support

    To the community, Our local Humane Society needs our help. Day in and day out our local Humane Society answers the needs of people who have lost their cat or dog or those who have been forced to move to a place where their pets are not allowed. They host spay and neutering clinics to […]

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  • Opinion: Census questions bring about different responses

    Opinion: Census questions bring about different responses

    By Jennifer Lee Like most Americans, I spent most of my life not appreciating the herculean effort the U.S. Census Bureau undertakes every 10 years. Since its inception in 1790, the U.S. Census has aimed to count every living person in the country, and the stakes are high. The results of the census determine the […]

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  • Letter: Bread & Broth thankful for generosity

    Letter: Bread & Broth thankful for generosity

    To the community, Through the generosity of the John McDougall Pay It Forward Lake Tahoe Community Fund held at the Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation, Bread & Broth provided a roasted chicken dinner with all of the fixings at its Monday Meal on April 24. The $250 grant funds enabled B&B to serve 107 meals and […]

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