  • Opinion: Berkeley is California’s scapegoat

    Opinion: Berkeley is California’s scapegoat

    By Joe Mathews Thank you, Berkeley. Recent headlines should remind us Californians of yet another way we are lucky. Our state has the world’s best scapegoat: you. You—our most distinguished public university and all the people, institutions and neighborhoods surrounding it —serve as a punching bag for angry people of all manner of ideological preoccupations. […]

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  • Opinion: EDC supervisors need financial advisor

    Opinion: EDC supervisors need financial advisor

    By Larry Weitzman Sometimes repetition is a good thing. We did it in school to learn spelling and the times table, athletes do drills over and over again to create what they call muscle memory. Whatever it is, many people swear by it. So, I am going to repeat Jorge Santayana’s perhaps most famous statement […]

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  • Editorial: Don’t mess with national monuments

    Editorial: Don’t mess with national monuments

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the April 26, 2017, Sacramento Bee. Donald Trump is all about states’ rights – that is until it comes to California and its national monuments.  On Wednesday, the president signed a potentially disastrous executive order, directing Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to review the status of 24 federally protected swathes […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. gas tax should be canned

    Opinion: Calif. gas tax should be canned

    By Ted Gaines Here are a few facts that should give pause to anyone supporting California’s new gas tax: Caltrans is overstaffed by 3,500 people, wasting $500 million every year that could be going to roads; California diverts a billion dollars in “weight fees” into the general fund annually, which should also be paying for […]

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  • Opinion: Full school day doesn’t make the grade

    Opinion: Full school day doesn’t make the grade

    By Joe Mathews Many mornings, I think my state senator has the best policy idea in California. At other times, I think he’s missing the point. The idea involves the sleep of schoolkids, and the state senator is Anthony Portantino, who represents the San Gabriel Valley. Portantino has won plaudits for a bill requiring middle […]

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  • Opinion: Wars, politics and the anti-vaccine movement

    Opinion: Wars, politics and the anti-vaccine movement

    By Peter Hotez It once was stated that, “man’s weakness is not achieving victories, but in taking advantage of them.” Indeed, this is the case for global infection control. Throughout history we have so far eradicated only a single major infectious disease threat, a feat accomplished through the leadership of physician D.A. Henderson, who passed […]

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  • Letter: Volunteers special to Barton Health

    Letter: Volunteers special to Barton Health

    To the community, This week is National Volunteer Week (April 23-29). Barton Health would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our incredible team of volunteers for all they do to support our patients and help our physicians, nurses, and staff. Our volunteers enhance the patient experience at Barton Health. Our biggest group of […]

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  • Editorial: Onerous bill would fiscally drown cities, counties

    Editorial: Onerous bill would fiscally drown cities, counties

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the April 18, 2017, East Bay Times.  California’s cities and counties, weighed down by ever-mounting retirement costs, are barely keeping their heads above water. Now the state Legislature is considering an onerous bill that would ensure many of them drown. AB1250, introduced by Assemblyman Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, D-Los Angeles, would […]

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  • Letter: Casino workers help at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Casino workers help at Bread & Broth

    To the community, Serving their first of two Bread & Broth Adopt A Day of Nourishment sponsorships for the year, the HEROs employee organization from Harrah’s and Harveys casinos hosted the Monday meal served at St. Theresa Grace Hall on April 17. Having the HEROs sponsor a B&B dinner is always a treat. Wearing their […]

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  • Opinion: Golden Gate Bridge needs rail service

    Opinion: Golden Gate Bridge needs rail service

    By Joe Mathews If California is as serious about public transit as its leaders claim, why isn’t there rail service across the Golden Gate Bridge? There’s no good reason why our state’s iconic span must devote its six lanes to cars. For more than 50 years, engineering studies have shown that the bridge could accommodate […]

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