  • Opinion: Bipartisan overhaul of ACA needed

    Opinion: Bipartisan overhaul of ACA needed

    By Clint Purvance The Republican Party’s decision on March 24 to pull the vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act was met with disappointment and relief. While backers of the newly proposed legislation were disappointed that they could not find sufficient support, residents who depend on the Affordable Care Act’s medical protections and insurance options […]

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  • Letter: Drug Store Project a community success

    Letter: Drug Store Project a community success

    To the community, “Choices, what are yours?” was the theme of our efforts in keeping our youth drug free. I want to thank the many agencies, service clubs, businesses, and volunteers who provided assistance with the 14th annual Drug Store Project event on April 4 at Lake Tahoe Community College.  Teaching our youth about the […]

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  • Opinion: Why cyber attacks are hard to combat

    Opinion: Why cyber attacks are hard to combat

    By Christopher S. Chivvis and Cynthia Dion-Schwarz  Imagine that the United States is hit by a cyberattack that takes down much of the U.S. financial infrastructure for several days. Internet sites of major banks are malfunctioning. ATMs are not working. Banks’ internal accounting systems are going haywire. Millions of people are affected. The first question that policymakers might […]

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  • Letter: Hellman clan donates to Bread & Broth

    Letter: Hellman clan donates to Bread & Broth

    To the community, “This is our fourth time volunteering and our family loves it,” said Lenny Hellman on behalf of himself and his wife, Sarah, and daughter, Samantha Lee. “Our experience is rewarding as we are able to contribute to the community.”   Hosting their first Adopt A Day of Nourishment on March 27, the Hellman […]

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  • Opinion: Stop blaming California for Trump

    Opinion: Stop blaming California for Trump

    By Joe Mathews Is California to blame for Donald Trump? That may seem a preposterous question to ask of a state that voted so decisively against the new American president that it was responsible, all by itself, for his loss of the popular vote. Yet, the president’s opponents and allies have fingered California as the […]

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  • Opinion: Sustainable sourced goods not new

    Opinion: Sustainable sourced goods not new

    By Calvin Schermerhorn Today, land developer and businessman William Cooper is best known for founding Cooperstown, N.Y., home of the Baseball Hall of Fame. But back in the 1790s, Cooper was a judge and a congressman who used his power to market a different sort of pleasure—American-made maple syrup—as an ethical homegrown alternative to molasses […]

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  • Opinion: Brown Act stifles public interaction

    Opinion: Brown Act stifles public interaction

    By Joe Mathews California’s Ralph M. Brown Act, approved in 1953, has become a civic Frankenstein, a gag rule that threatens the very public participation it was supposed to protect. The act’s requirements of advance notice before local officials conduct a meeting has mutated into strict limitations on their ability to have frank conversations with […]

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  • Opinion: EDC Republicans taking action

    Opinion: EDC Republicans taking action

    By Terry Gherardi The newly seated El Dorado County Republican Central Committee (RCC) began the year by taking positions on proposed legislation and/or actions by local and state elected officials. Or, that which effects county residents and their families. The first action from the RCC was in response to the Board of Supervisors’ vote to […]

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  • Letter: Grateful for Ernie’s generosity

    Letter: Grateful for Ernie’s generosity

    To the community, A big thank you to the Ernie’s Coffee Shop for hosting the Aktion Club fundraiser on March 22. Staff at Ernie’s were flipping hundreds of burgers throughout the evening as orders where being taken by the skilled waitresses. Kiwanis of Tahoe Sierra and Aktion Club members greeted and seated everyone throughout the […]

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  • Opinion: Fixing the roads, sensible style

    Opinion: Fixing the roads, sensible style

    By Larry Weitzman Bakersfield Assemblyman Vince Fong has introduced a sensible piece of legislation, AB496, as part of the legislative session for 2017. The winter-spring rain and snow demonstrated to California residents that our roads and culverts are in terrible shape, especially in El Dorado County where our Board of Supervisors in the last few […]

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