  • Letter: Appreciative of plowed trails

    Letter: Appreciative of plowed trails

    To the community, A big thank you to the city of South Lake Tahoe, the county of El Dorado, and the businesses and residents of Tahoe’s South Shore for clearing the snow from your sidewalks and paths. Even during these big storms, you have made sure the multi-use paths and many sidewalks on the South […]

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  • Editorial: Immigration policies would hurt all Nevadans

    Editorial: Immigration policies would hurt all Nevadans

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the March 6, 2017, Las Vegas Sun. In this emotionally agonizing time for unauthorized immigrants living in Nevada, there’s at least one bright spot: Some of the state’s top leaders are showing them they’re not alone. That group of leaders includes state Sen. Yvanna Cancela, D-Las Vegas, who recently […]

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  • Letter: Filipino community assists at B&B

    Letter: Filipino community assists at B&B

    To the community, “The Filipino community would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to Bread & Broth for once again giving us the opportunity to be a part of their very important and heart-warming Adopt A Day program,” commented Mila Seals. Seals has been coordinating the AAD meals that the Filipino community has been sponsoring […]

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  • Opinion: Dramatic changes in planting zones

    Opinion: Dramatic changes in planting zones

    By Ari LeVaux, High Country News This is the time of year to think about planting trees. It’s a powerful, important and often a genuinely fruitful thing to do. Planting a tree is also a long-term commitment. It requires a deep look into the future, and given the way the climate is shifting around us, […]

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  • Opinion: Feeling the sharp increase of pension costs

    Opinion: Feeling the sharp increase of pension costs

    By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee The impact of ever-higher pension costs on California’s local governments, particularly cities, has been evident for years. Pension burdens contributed to the recent bankruptcies of three cities and more are feeling the pinch. The California Public Employees’ Retirement System, or CalPERS, is ramping up its mandatory contributions to offset investment […]

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  • Letter: Flood insurance information

    Letter: Flood insurance information

    To the community, I read the article relating to flood insurance published March 7. We specialize in the flood insurance niche throughout all 50 states.  Unfortunately, much of the information covered in this article is incomplete and misleading for the homeowners. We have access to seven-plus different private flood insurance alternatives, plus the NFIP. The […]

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  • Opinion: Wind power is an attack on rural America

    Opinion: Wind power is an attack on rural America

    By Robert Bryce, Los Angeles Times   Urban voters may like the idea of using more wind and solar energy, but the push for large-scale renewables is creating land-use conflicts in rural regions from Maryland to California and Ontario to Loch Ness. Since 2015, more than 120 government entities in about two dozen states have […]

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  • Opinion: McClintock’s tactics are scary

    Opinion: McClintock’s tactics are scary

    By Marcos Breton, Sacramento Bee   Despite being a self-righteous poser and a carpetbagger, Rep. Tom McClintock deserves credit. Unlike some of his congressional colleagues, the Elk Grove Republican, whose district is nowhere near Elk Grove, is game enough to continue presiding over town hall meetings where he is the piñata. But instead of candy […]

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  • Letter: Questioning Squaw Valley’s policies

    Letter: Questioning Squaw Valley’s policies

    To the community, Here is a chronological list of events concerning Squaw Valleys’ refusal to grant any type of credit to us regarding the 2013-14 ski season. We have contacted them every year since their refusal to no avail. We purchased our season tickets in September of 2013. In October of 2013, Sue was diagnosed […]

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  • Letter: Heavenly helps at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Heavenly helps at Bread & Broth

    To the community, Heavenly Mountain Resort skier services crew members spend their time making sure Heavenly guests and skiers enjoy a wonderful experience on the mountain. On Feb. 27, skier services Adopt A Day sponsor crew members Ingrid Heinig, Kelsey Carapia, Jack Pippin, Megan Madrid and Amy Rice provided the same dedication to ensure that […]

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