  • Letter: EDC Republicans on opposite side of supes

    Letter: EDC Republicans on opposite side of supes

    To the community, The El Dorado County Republican Central Committee wholeheartedly opposes Assembly Bill 1 and Senate Bill 1, which, if passed, would raise gasoline taxes by 12 cents a gallon and  diesel, taxes by 20 cents a gallon. The two bills, both proposed by Democrat legislators, would also raise vehicle registrations by at least […]

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  • Opinion: Donald Trump is living in my closet

    Opinion: Donald Trump is living in my closet

    By Joe Mathews         I have a confession to make: Donald Trump is imprisoned in my closet. He’s been in there for months, and I haven’t dared to let him out, for fear that his presence might be discovered. What’s worse, my treatment of Trump does not conform with the Geneva Convention. He’s spent all this […]

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  • Letter: EDC snow removal leaves sour taste

    Letter: EDC snow removal leaves sour taste

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to El Dorado County and Lake Tahoe News. To the community, While the storms have been relentless and I understand the many needs you have to address, there is no excuse for poor practices while doing the job of plowing.  We live on Wailaki Street in Tahoe Par 60.  […]

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  • Letter: Vet lashes out at American Legion

    Letter: Vet lashes out at American Legion

    To the community, My letter to the editor is provided to all of my friends and neighbors in the area asking for advice and assistance. This is my true story. My name is Mike Williams, I graduated from El Dorado High in Placerville in 1971. I was drafted to serve my country in the heat […]

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  • Letter: Lauding the women’s march

    Letter: Lauding the women’s march

    To the community, One million thanks to all of you who made the Bi-State Women’s March Lake Tahoe a huge success. It was a very special event for our community thanks to all the media coverage, the special care provided by the South Lake Tahoe Police Department, the cooperation of Caltrans, the dynamic organizational committee […]

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  • Opinion: Civic duty involves clearing fire hydrants

    Opinion: Civic duty involves clearing fire hydrants

    By Bill Seline Structure fires occur at the highest rates during the winter months. These house fires are usually caused by heating appliances like space heaters and woodstoves, according to the U.S. Fire Administration. When the fire department responds to put out a house fire, the fire engine carries about 500 gallons of water, enough […]

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  • Opinion: EDC supes OK questionable tax hike

    Opinion: EDC supes OK questionable tax hike

    By Larry Weitzman Without one word of discussion, not one word, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors voted in the morning session of their Jan. 24 meeting to send a letter of support to substantially raise the taxes of every motorist of El Dorado County. Late Friday afternoon before the BOS meeting an addendum […]

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  • Letter: Kiwanis take a turn at Bread & Broth

    Letter: Kiwanis take a turn at Bread & Broth

    To the community, It is always a treat when the Kiwanis Club of Tahoe Sierra hosts a Bread & Broth Adopt A Day of Nourishment. Not only has the Kiwanis Club sponsored an Adopt A Day every January since the program’s inception in 2010, but they were the first organization to host an AAD dinner […]

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  • Opinion: Can a rocket scientist straighten out EDC?

    Opinion: Can a rocket scientist straighten out EDC?

    By Larry Weitzman For the past five or so years El Dorado County government has been out of control and the buck stops with the elected Board of Supervisors, the only county governing body which is answerable to the people. While it started before the Supervisor Brian Veerkamp regime, because of a politician’s desire to […]

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  • Letter: Proud of SLT’s women’s march

    Letter: Proud of SLT’s women’s march

    To the community, I am so proud to have been part of the Bi-State Women’s March on Saturday. And I am proud that Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe sanctioned the opportunity for 500 women, men and children to march, not as a protest, but in unison to affirm that “women’s rights are human rights”. […]

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