  • Letter: Traffic chaos must be addressed

    Letter: Traffic chaos must be addressed

    To the community, We live on Clear View Drive near Sawmill Pond. We’ve lived here for 40 years and have never seen a traffic jam like the one that occurred Jan. 2. GPS has led visitors to scramble onto any road that heads in the direction of Highway 50. Dave tried to go into town […]

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  • Letter: Frustrated with traffic in neighborhoods

    Letter: Frustrated with traffic in neighborhoods

    Publisher’s note: Moya Sanders, who lives in the unincorporated  area of El Dorado County in the basin, asked for the following exchange to be published. To Whom It May Concern, I live on North Upper Truckee Road leading from South Lake Tahoe to Highway 50 going south toward Placerville. The chain control on Highway 50 […]

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  • Letter: MontBleu assists Bread & Broth

    Letter: MontBleu assists Bread & Broth

    To the community, “Bread & Broth’s Monday meal event is always heartwarming and we are very happy to be able to participate in the Adopt a Day of Nourishment program,” commented Michelle Bergstrom, MontBleu’s director of administration.   As the adopt a day sponsor for the Dec. 19 dinner at St. Theresa Church, MontBleu donated $250 […]

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  • Opinion: Why poor Americans are so patriotic

    Opinion: Why poor Americans are so patriotic

    By Francesco Duina Why do the worst-off American citizens love their country so much? Patriotism may be defined as a belief in the greatness, if not superiority, of one’s country relative to others. Depending on how one defines the term exactly, somewhere between 85 to 90 percent of America’s poor are “patriotic.” They would rather […]

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  • Opinion: Outcome of 2017 depends on all of us

    Opinion: Outcome of 2017 depends on all of us

    By Kathryn Reed As the fog of ringing in a new year fades, we must collectively begin to face the reality that 2017 is going to be much different than 2016. Some of it we will have control over, some we won’t. The worst part will be if people stop being engaged. As the late […]

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  • Editorial: Great America is one that’s more carbon-free

    Editorial: Great America is one that’s more carbon-free

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Dec. 25, 2016, Las Vegas Sun. Famously, Donald Trump doesn’t read long reports. Instead, he has staffers condense the material into summary memos. So here’s hoping somebody on his team will crunch a new Brookings Institution report on carbon emissions and put it in front of him. The […]

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  • Letter: Find a new venue for SnowGlobe

    Letter: Find a new venue for SnowGlobe

    Publisher’s note: The author asked for his 2013 letter regarding SnowGlobe to be republished because he still stands by it — here it is. Below is a new letter. To the community, Look, I know heads in beds is the name of the game in this town. But SnowGlobe is a poorly run event because it […]

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  • Editorial: Prop. 47 — A failure to learn history’s lesson

    Editorial: Prop. 47 — A failure to learn history’s lesson

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Dec. 22, 2016, Sacramento Bee. In their laudable effort to reverse mass incarceration, California policymakers have been too slow to provide felons with necessary care and treatment upon their release. That’s among the conclusions to be gleaned from an important reporting project by newspapers in Palm Springs, Ventura, […]

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  • Opinion: How Calif. can survive the U.S.-China war

    Opinion: How Calif. can survive the U.S.-China war

    By Joe Mathews California is trapped—in the dangerous space between two authoritarian regimes that want to fight each other. One is in Beijing; the other is taking power in Washington, D.C. Viewed from the Golden State, it’s striking how much they have in common. Both are so nationalist and bellicose they are spooking neighbors. Both […]

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  • Opinion: Time for Calif. to embrace dirty deals

    Opinion: Time for Calif. to embrace dirty deals

    By Joe Mathews Raise a glass and bend your mind around this California New Year’s resolution: in 2017, let’s become more tolerant of political corruption. While the idea of tolerating dirty deal-making may sound perverse or strange, so are the ways we make decisions in California. Over the last century, we’ve designed a highly complex […]

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