  • Opinion: Ocean may solve Calif.’s housing problem

    Opinion: Ocean may solve Calif.’s housing problem

    By Joe Mathews Why can’t we solve California’s devastating housing shortage? Perhaps it’s because the proposed solutions—sprawling construction, denser construction, granny flats, affordable housing mandates, and regulation exemptions—are all built on the same flawed premise: that housing must exist solely on land. And California’s combination of strict regulation and anti-density NIMBYism makes it impossible to […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. losing its ability to speak Spanish

    Opinion: Calif. losing its ability to speak Spanish

    By Joe Mathews  How are Californians going to save Spanish? Yes, I know that a call to preserve the Spanish language might seem ludicrous in a state whose very name comes from a Spanish romance novel. Nearly half of us are either from the Spanish-speaking world, or trace our heritage there; an estimated 38 percent […]

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  • Opinion: Trump may follow Schwarzenegger’s lead

    Opinion: Trump may follow Schwarzenegger’s lead

    By Clay Russell When newly-elected Donald Trump took his family to a restaurant for dinner without telling the public recently, the press flipped out. Journalists issued thoughtful pleas about the importance of documenting a chief executive-to-be’s movements. I’m not here to defend the president-elect’s behavior or suggest that his unwillingness to play by traditional rules […]

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  • Letter: Bread & Broth thankful for Hard Rock Café

    Letter: Bread & Broth thankful for Hard Rock Café

    To the community, Thanks to the , Bread & Broth dinner guests had an unexpected surprise for their meal Dec. 12. Instead of the meal being held at St. Theresa Grace Hall where the Monday meal is normally served, the dinner guests were sent a few buildings down to Globin Hall. Once at Globin Hall, […]

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  • Opinion: Look before you shoot

    Opinion: Look before you shoot

    By Marjorie “Slim” Woodruff, High Country News I am getting tired of being shot at. The perpetrators may not realize they are shooting at me, but that only makes it worse. People in the Wild West like to carry their guns with them when they venture into the outdoors. So far, so good. Problems arise […]

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  • Opinion: We must broaden the notion of family

    Opinion: We must broaden the notion of family

    By Elizabeth Brake Since at least the time of Aristotle’s “Politics”, families have been considered the building block of society. Strong families produce the stability—and reproduce the future citizens—needed for society to flourish. But the inverse can also be true. When members of insular nuclear families lose understanding and empathy for those unlike them, the […]

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  • Opinion: Is anyone in EDC government reading?

    Opinion: Is anyone in EDC government reading?

    By Larry Weitzman At the Dec. 13 El Dorado County Board of Supervisors meeting, Item 32 was on the calendar for the receiving and filing of 11 five-year studies required for 11 special districts that collect fees pursuant to Government Code Sections 66000 to 66025, otherwise known as the Mitigation Fee Act. As has been […]

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  • Opinion: If you plan to sled — then read this

    Opinion: If you plan to sled — then read this

    To the community, The holidays are here. They are always festive and special times at Lake Tahoe. Hopefully, the snow gods continue to bless us with more white, fluffy stuff, so we can all get out and enjoy the magic of Tahoe’s snow-covered mountains.  Now is probably a good time to talk about what else happens during the holidays when it […]

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  • Opinion: How friends affect your health

    Opinion: How friends affect your health

    By Pete Bissonette How many friends do you have? If your doctor isn’t asking now, they may start soon. According to researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, your social circles are as important to your health as diet and exercise. Researchers evaluated data from four U.S. population surveys from adolescence into […]

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  • Letter: Heavenly crew assists Bread & Broth

    Letter: Heavenly crew assists Bread & Broth

    To the community, “It is important work that we enjoy giving back to the community in which we live,” said Leslie Amato about her experience as a sponsor volunteer crew member from Heavenly Mountain Resort at Bread & Broth’s dinner on Dec. 5.  As the evening dinner’s Adopt A Day sponsor, Heavenly hosted the meal […]

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