  • Opinion: Legislation could protect online reviewers

    Opinion: Legislation could protect online reviewers

    By Christopher Elliott, Washington Post If you’ve never heard of a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP), consider yourself lucky. I hadn’t either until a knock at my door on a January evening seven years ago. A process server pushed an envelope into my hand. “You are being sued,” a notice at the top of […]

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  • Letter: Homeless coalition thankful for help

    Letter: Homeless coalition thankful for help

    To the community, Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless would like to thank Harrah’s & Harveys Lake Tahoe for their support. In November, Harrah’s and Harveys employees collected supplies for the South Lake Tahoe Warm Room. This donation will help provide overnight refuge from the elements to individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the winter months.  […]

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  • Editorial: Nevada land plan creates risks

    Editorial: Nevada land plan creates risks

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Nov. 6, 2016, Reno Gazette-Journal. Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., has started meetings to transfer millions of acres of public land in Nevada from the federal government to the state. He is coming off an election win and, more importantly, he was Donald Trump’s Nevada campaign manager through controversy […]

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  • Opinion: EDC’s top lawyer got it wrong

    Opinion: EDC’s top lawyer got it wrong

    By Larry Weitzman El Dorado County officers are sworn to uphold the law, which includes following the federal and state Constitutions, the statutory and codified laws of the federal government and state of California and the various rules and regulations promulgated thereunder and the laws, regulations and ordinances of our local jurisdictions when and as […]

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  • Letter: Memorial forest felled for Hwy. 28 rerouting

    Letter: Memorial forest felled for Hwy. 28 rerouting

    To the community, A Penny Pine Memorial Tree Plantation which once existed within the 64-acre recreational area in Tahoe City has been devastated forever. Close to 100 garden clubs throughout Northern and Central California planted a Penny Pine Tree Plantation in conjunction with the National Forest Lands – Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit in memory […]

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  • Letter: Putting angst into action

    Letter: Putting angst into action

    To the community, She wasn’t crying, but she wasn’t exactly not crying, either. We were about to get an early season storm, a typical hot-to-cold pattern, and I had been looking out the window waiting on rain to become snow.  My wife had gone to the grocery store, and I wanted to know what had […]

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  • Opinion: Farewell, fair Senate

    Opinion: Farewell, fair Senate

    Publisher’s note: This column is from the Dec. 8, 2016, New York Times. By Harry Reid In my time in the Senate, I’ve served with 281 senators. I’ve rarely given advice unless asked. But since I am leaving the Senate floor for the final time, I have a few things to say. To Republicans, I […]

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  • Opinion: What do birds hear when they sing?

    Opinion: What do birds hear when they sing?

    By Barbara J. King, NPR Birdsong is music to human ears. It has inspired famous composers. For the rest of us, it may uplift the spirit and improve attention or simply be a source of delight, fun and learning. But have you ever wondered what birds themselves hear when they sing? After all, we know […]

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  • Editorial: The hard lessons of Pearl Harbor

    Editorial: The hard lessons of Pearl Harbor

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Dec. 2, 2016, Chicago Tribune. Leroy Barber grew up in rural New London, Wis., hunting and fishing with two of his brothers. He enlisted in the Navy, trained at the Great Lakes facility north of Chicago and was assigned to a battleship. Barber enjoyed being a sailor, missed […]

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  • Opinion: Will Calif. ever let Sierra forests burn?

    Opinion: Will Calif. ever let Sierra forests burn?

    By Andrew C. Revkin, New York Times In this centennial year of the National Park System, it’s been encouraging to see management of the western components of this remarkable ecological patrimony shifting ever so slowly toward incorporating knowledge of natural cycles of fire in maintaining forest health. For forests in California’s Sierra Nevada, particularly, a […]

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