  • Opinion: No such thing as harmless gropings

    Opinion: No such thing as harmless gropings

    By Jennifer Ferro An open letter of apology to my daughters and all the women coming up after me: I want to start by saying I’m sorry. I have failed you in a way that only now do I shamefully and truly understand. I am a 48-year-old woman. A mother. A boss. But because of […]

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  • Opinion: Silicon Valley keeps us stuck in the political past

    Opinion: Silicon Valley keeps us stuck in the political past

    By Joe Mathews As long as Silicon Valley and its futuristic technologies dominate our politics, we’re doomed to stay stuck in the past. The big story of the poisonous 2016 elections was how new digital media tools ended up crowding out two big topics from our conversation: the present and the future.   This phenomenon […]

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  • Opinion: California counties need governance reform

    Opinion: California counties need governance reform

    By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee State Sen. Bob Hertzberg puts it succinctly, albeit accurately: “58 counties in California are accidents of history.” Hertzberg, a Los Angeles Democrat, uttered his comment last month during a pithy, if sparsely attended, legislative hearing into the shortcomings of county governments. As California’s population expanded in the late 19th century, […]

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  • Opinion: Remembering the man with the photographic memory

    Opinion: Remembering the man with the photographic memory

    By Jane Ann Morrison, Las Vegas Review-Journal If you had a photographic memory, how would you use it? Robert Griffin could have used his relatively rare skill to count cards in Nevada casinos. Instead, he used it to identify card counters and stop cheaters. Beverly Griffin, his former wife and his partner in Griffin Investigations, […]

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  • Letter: Getting on board with reality of development

    Letter: Getting on board with reality of development

    To the community,  Wow, what a doozy of a letter in the Sierra Sun from Thomas Greg Traxler on Nov. 3, “Unless Lake Tahoe builds a wall, redevelopment is reality.” In it, Traxler starts with the false premise that all new development is “re-development.” Martis Valley West (760 units plus 6.6 acres commercial) on lands […]

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  • Opinion: College rankings miss the point of university

    Opinion: College rankings miss the point of university

    By Kim A. Wilcox In the next several weeks, millions of high school seniors will apply to colleges and universities across the nation. If you are one of them—and if you come from a low-income family or are a minority student—I urge you not to look at higher education rankings systems that emphasize reputation, acceptance […]

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  • Letter: TDFPD board members say thanks

    Letter: TDFPD board members say thanks

    To the community, We would like to thank the entire community for the trust you’ve placed in us to help guide the Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District. Our new chief, Scott Baker, and his entire team are phenomenal community assets and it’s our honor to support them. Our district is fiscally sound, our staff is […]

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  • Opinion: Ski industry leaders support climate change deniers

    Opinion: Ski industry leaders support climate change deniers

    By Porter Fox, Powder The future of skiing can be summed up like this: The planet is warming; snow melts when it is warm. And state and federal climate change legislation—that keeps billions of tons of carbon in the ground instead of up in the air—is the best, perhaps only, way to save snow. So […]

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  • Opinion: What atheists and monks have in common

    Opinion: What atheists and monks have in common

    By Jeffrey Guhin It’s hard for me to think of a philosopher more important for my work than Charles Taylor. I’m a sociologist, and while most people don’t think of sociology as an especially philosophical discipline, if you dig a little beneath the surface, philosophy is actually all you’ll find. That’s not just true for […]

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  • Letter: Thanks and clarification from candidate

    Letter: Thanks and clarification from candidate

    To the community, With the election over, I am writing to congratulate the new LTUSD board members, to respond to some of the claims Derek Allister made public in the final days of the election, and to reaffirm my commitment to volunteer my time and talents to this school district into the future. First, congratulations […]

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