  • Opinion: CalPERS makes workers rich at taxpayers expense

    Opinion: CalPERS makes workers rich at taxpayers expense

    By Larry Weitzman Some CalPERS pensions are more “reasonable” than others. In El Dorado County, miscellaneous employees (all employees other than public safety employees) after 30 years receive an annual retirement pension of 60 percent (2 percent for a year of service) of their highest salary and public safety employees after 30 years of service […]

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  • Letter: Heavenly gang helps serve dinner

    Letter: Heavenly gang helps serve dinner

    To the community, Bread & Broth provides its Monday meal at St. Theresa Grace Hall thanks to the generous sponsors who host an Adopt A Day of Nourishment by donating $250, which feeds anywhere from 75 to 110 hungry folks who come for a nourishing dinner. B&B’s Adopt A Day program was established in 2009 […]

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  • Opinion: Expanded broadband key to Tahoe’s future

    Opinion: Expanded broadband key to Tahoe’s future

    By Chris Fajkos When it comes to having access to broadband Internet, in this day and age it’s absolutely essential in order for the Tahoe basin to flourish. Unfortunately for the Tahoe basin there are still pockets all around the lake that are either unserved or underserved. These underserved areas have download speeds under 6 […]

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  • Opinion: Finding hope after Tuesday’s election

    Opinion: Finding hope after Tuesday’s election

    By Kathryn Reed Why. It’s one of my favorite words. And it has served me well as a journalist; sometimes much to the frustration of those I’m interviewing. After Tuesday’s presidential election many are left asking – Why did people vote for Trump? It’s time to listen to the answers because we weren’t listening during […]

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  • Opinion: We all should leave the country post-election

    Opinion: We all should leave the country post-election

    By Joe Mathews Now that the election is over, are you leaving the country? If not, you should reconsider. Before the election, only a few prominent Californians—from Samuel L. Jackson to Miley Cyrus —pledged to depart the U.S. to express their disgust with the election. And they’re still here. But I do know one non-celebrity […]

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  • Opinion: Why Mongolia and North Dakota aren’t economic miracles

    Opinion: Why Mongolia and North Dakota aren’t economic miracles

    By Jerry Nickelsburg Where does an economist who works in the Pacific Rim go on vacation? This summer, I chose Mongolia, and not only because it is remote and has beautiful glaciated mountains. I also chose it for its reputation for economic potential. I went with some preconceptions. For one thing, I had read that […]

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  • Editorial: Important to vote on Nov. 8

    Editorial: Important to vote on Nov. 8

    This election cycle has created a divide that will take time to heal – locally and nationally. No matter who or what wins-loses on Nov. 8, we must seek common ground for the greater good. The us vs. them mentality collectively makes us weaker. It is time to forge a path of strength. We can […]

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  • Letter: Reilly is best choice for LTUSD

    Letter: Reilly is best choice for LTUSD

    To the community: It is imperative that Larry Reilly be elected to the LTUSD school board and serve as Trustee for Area 1. Larry is without question the most qualified candidate in this race. Our school district is facing some tough decisions over the next few years if it is to continue [Superintendent Jim] Tarwater’s […]

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  • Letter: Stop perpetuating us vs. them

    Letter: Stop perpetuating us vs. them

    To the community, Duane [Wallace] “as one president to another” I’d hope your experience would tell you the professional way to introduce yourself to someone is not by insulting them. In your Nov. 5 letter your statement, “We locals, built this town when you were in college” is extremely arrogant and epitomizes one of the […]

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  • Letter: Davidson is best candidate for LTUSD

    Letter: Davidson is best candidate for LTUSD

    To the community, I am writing to endorse Annie Davidson for LTUSD school board. As coach of my daughter’s soccer team, Annie showed true devotion to her athletes and was an incredible teacher and mentor for the girls she coached.  She showed true patience and skill in coaching nine 7-year-old girls. I got to know […]

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