  • Opinion: Reasons to vote no on Prop. 63

    Opinion: Reasons to vote no on Prop. 63

    By Joe Harn and Nathan Black California voters will be faced with an unprecedented variety of issues, including several lengthy propositions, on Nov. 8. Many of the wordy and complex propositions will leave you scratching your head about what to do. There is, however, an easy answer for dealing with at least one of them, […]

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  • Letter: Candidate explains connection to PAC

    Letter: Candidate explains connection to PAC

    To the community, There is a rumor that I am running as a “slate” with another candidate. I respect each and every candidate for their willingness to take on this difficult task. However, I am not aligned with any particular candidate. I am running independently based upon my own experience, record, and skills. Some have […]

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  • Letter: Calif.-based chamber fires back

    Letter: Calif.-based chamber fires back

    To the community, Jason [Drew], this is one chamber president to another. My qualifications are 30 years as a board member, past president, accredited chamber exec ACE, past president of the 100 member Superior California Chamber Execs, graduate of the U.S. Chamber five-year institute for organization management, twice nominated for top chamber exec in the […]

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  • Opinion: Digging deep into Prop. 53

    Opinion: Digging deep into Prop. 53

    By Joe Mathews One lesson of this California election is already clear: Don’t dismiss apocalyptic warnings from Stockton. If you have a television, you’re encountering a barrage of ill-advised Stockton dismissals. Gov. Jerry Brown, labor unions and Sacramento infrastructure lobbies are trying to defeat a November ballot initiative—Proposition 53, which would require voter approval for […]

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  • Letter: Unraveling loop road truths

    Letter: Unraveling loop road truths

    To the community, According to Tahoe Transportation District at the presentation to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, “While the project and its alternatives focus on directing traffic flow around the casino corridor and creating a more walkable and bikeable downtown area, the creation of affordable housing is at the heart of the project,” said [Carl] […]

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  • Letter: Questioning chamber’s influence on election

    Letter: Questioning chamber’s influence on election

    To the community, On Oct. 30, the election committee for the Nevada-based chamber of commerce filed its official report with the city for expenditures for the upcoming City Council election. That filing reported over $30,000 spend on behalf of the two candidates they are supporting. $30,000 is a lot of money and this is in […]

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  • Letter: Leadership qualities key in who to support

    Letter: Leadership qualities key in who to support

    To the community, As we collectively hold our breath to see who will lead our nation, our city, our public school system and our local utility district, it is a great time to define leadership. I learned about leadership while serving on many boards over the last 40 years, starting with Tahoe Parents Nursery School, […]

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  • Opinion: Thankful to live in an indirect democracy

    Opinion: Thankful to live in an indirect democracy

    By Andrés Martinez Suppose we ask all Americans to vote on whether anyone whose first name starts with the letter “A” should to pay an extra tax, giving everyone else a tax break. The appalling measure would probably pass. From the perspective of us A-listers (sorry, couldn’t resist), that would amount to a classic case […]

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  • Letter: Vogelgesang deserves another term

    Letter: Vogelgesang deserves another term

    To the community, I am endorsing Randy Vogelgesang for re-election to the STPUD board. Randy is a long time local, having lived in the South Lake Tahoe community for 30 years raising a family with his wife, Cathy, and running a successful engineering firm as a small business owner. During the 20 years that I have […]

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  • Letter: Divisiveness doesn’t help our community

    Letter: Divisiveness doesn’t help our community

    To the community, An open letter to Mr. Bruce Grego: Your Nov. 2, 2016, letter published by Lake Tahoe News was filled with misinformation and a clear attempt to mislead the community about the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber (Tahoe Chamber) and the current local political cycle. As chair of the board of directors, I […]

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