  • Letter: Thanking community for WOWEE help

    Letter: Thanking community for WOWEE help

    To the community, For the past six weeks the STEEC (South Tahoe Environmental Education Coalition) has been busy presenting lessons for our Wonders of Water expanded edition or WOWEE. Students in grades kindergarten through sixth grades got to experience some outdoor education stations due to the many wonderful agency and community partners that make up […]

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  • Letter: Vote for Reilly for LTUSD trustee

    Letter: Vote for Reilly for LTUSD trustee

    To the community, Having served under many different school boards in my 42 years of teaching in the Lake Tahoe Unified School District, I know the importance of a dedicated, well-informed group of individuals who work cooperatively for the betterment of all the students and employees of the district. I support Larry Reilly because he is […]

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  • Letter: Reilly understands how LTUSD works

    Letter: Reilly understands how LTUSD works

    To the community, I am urging all voting members of Area 1 to support Larry Reilly in his bid to represent them on the LTUSD board of education. He has a unique knowledge and insight into the needs of the students of LTUSD, having been an educator in Lake Tahoe for 35- of his 39-year […]

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  • Letter: Reasons to vote for Davidson

    Letter: Reasons to vote for Davidson

    To the community, I am writing this letter in support of Annie Davidson for the LTUSD board. She is mother to two LTUSD students and knows firsthand the challenges that our school district, educators, and students face. She has no political ties that might sway her in one direction or another in regards to what […]

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  • Letter: PAC spends $60,000 on Collins, Laine

    Letter: PAC spends $60,000 on Collins, Laine

    To the community, [On Oct. 28] I attended the LTCC and South Tahoe (California) Chamber’s candidate forum. This forum is designed to allow one-on-one exchanges between members of the public and the candidates. I learned a few things from this forum. Brooke Laine openly declared that she sought the endorsement of the Nevada-based chamber, but […]

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  • Letter: Vote yes on P, U and R

    Letter: Vote yes on P, U and R

    To the community, As a sitting council member and board member of Lodging Association, I urge voters to vote yes on Measure P – “P” for play and recreation. This would increase hotel taxes by 2 percent throughout the city. The Lodging Association is supporting this measure because recreation is our economy; investing in our […]

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  • Letter: Davidson’s experience ideal for LTUSD

    Letter: Davidson’s experience ideal for LTUSD

    To the community, Annie Davidson should be the next LTUSD school board member from trustee Area 1. Since coming to Lake Tahoe, she has jumped into the community with great energy and commitment. For example, she is an adjunct faculty member of Lake Tahoe Community College and co-teacher at Tahoe Parents Nursery School with Aileen Yure […]

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  • Opinion: Being in good health saves money

    Opinion: Being in good health saves money

    By Zócalo Public Square It might seem odd to try to attach a dollar value to health—like trying to quantify love or happiness. But, in fact, a recent study did attempt to measure the value of the health created or supported by California’s county public health departments. Led by UC Berkeley Health Economist Timothy Brown, […]

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  • Opinion: The cannabis cartel California needs

    Opinion: The cannabis cartel California needs

    By Joe Mathews To legalize cannabis successfully, California is going to need its own cartel. For the record (and to reassure federal law enforcement), I am not smoking anything. And I am not suggesting that California encourage a criminal syndicate like the Zetas. The California cartel would need to be a legal corporate oligopoly. The […]

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  • Letters: Golfers assist with Bread & Broth dinner

    Letters: Golfers assist with Bread & Broth dinner

    To the community, Oct. 17 was a busy and charitable day for the Edgewood Ladies Golf Club. In addition to hosting a Boys & Girls Club golf tournament, the Edgewood Ladies Golf Club also sponsored a Bread & Broth Adopt A Day of Nourishment. It is definitely a credit to the members of the golf […]

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