  • Letter: Supporting Turnbull for LTUSD board

    Letter: Supporting Turnbull for LTUSD board

    To the community, You may have heard of Bonnie Turnbull thanks to the excellent presentation she has been giving in multiple venues around town on global climate change, how it may affect Tahoe, and how we as a community can work together to slow climate change. I love Bonnie’s presentation because it is simultaneously fascinating, […]

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  • Letter: Davidson for LTUSD board

    Letter: Davidson for LTUSD board

    To the community, Annie Davidson is the right choice for school board in trustee Area 1. Annie came to Tahoe with a strong background in education. Annie understands our educational system. And most importantly, Annie is trustworthy, forthright, and kind. And while Annie is a very good listener and collaborator, Annie is also intelligent, strong, […]

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  • Opinion: Teaching in era of gun rights is scary

    Opinion: Teaching in era of gun rights is scary

    By Jervey Tervalon Now that Texas’ “campus carry” law, that bit of cowboy legislation that empowers everyone over 21 with a concealed handgun license to carry a pistol into a public university classroom is in effect, those of us who teach are watching with dark fascination. What could possibly go wrong? I don’t become easily […]

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  • Letter: Again Placer County supervisors?

    Letter: Again Placer County supervisors?

    To the community, Tuesday morning we attended the hearing inconveniently held in Auburn and it was clear that the [Placer County] Board of Supervisors were going to approve the Martis Valley West project (760 homes and 6.6 acres of commercial on the ridge above Tahoe/Truckee) no matter what. The first clue was how relaxed and […]

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  • Opinion: How librarians quietly shape the future

    Opinion: How librarians quietly shape the future

    By Ian Collins “Librarians? They’re still around?” It’s one of countless sarcastic jokes about my profession that I’ve heard for years, each of them landing with all the comedic force of late-period Carrot Top props. If you search online for the combination “libraries” and “dead” you’ll find various articles proclaiming the same sentiment. I get […]

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  • Letter: Casino HEROs return to Bread & Broth

    Letter: Casino HEROs return to Bread & Broth

    To the community, Harrah’s/Harveys’ HEROs hosted Bread & Broth’s evening meal on Sept. 26, providing the funds and help to feed the 103 dinner guests who came to St. Theresa Church Grace Hall for the weekly Monday evening dinner. For over 27 years, the hungry of the Tahoe South Shore community know that every Monday […]

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  • Editorial: Collin, Laine for SLT City Council

    Editorial: Collin, Laine for SLT City Council

    Publisher’s note: The following endorsement is from Lake Tahoe News after a team of seven community members gathered to discuss who should be on the South Lake Tahoe City Council. Even with 10 candidates running for South Lake Tahoe City Council, Lake Tahoe News was left wanting something more. Maybe there isn’t that ideal, perfect […]

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  • Letter: Fire a threat to Martis Valley project

    Letter: Fire a threat to Martis Valley project

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to the Placer County Board of Supervisors. Dear Board of Supervisors, I am submitting this article for the record for the Martis Valley West Parcel Specific Plan as further evidence that the MVWPSP FEIR did not into take in consideration the threat of wildland urban interface. A CalFire representative […]

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  • Editorial: Vote no on Measure T

    Editorial: Vote no on Measure T

    Publisher’s note: The following endorsement is from Lake Tahoe News after a team of seven community members gathered to discuss Measure T. It was in 1911 that California became the 10th state to offer the initiative process to voters. Now 24 states allow initiatives on the ballot. At the state level it has evolved into a […]

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  • Letter: Northstar volunteers on trails projects

    Letter: Northstar volunteers on trails projects

    To the community, On Sept. 17, more than 100 volunteers of Northstar California Resort gathered to reinvigorate the surrounding natural landscape. Northstar’s volunteers united in support of Vail Resorts’ annual EpicPromise Day and represented a portion of roughly 2,000 employees, nationwide. Approximately 100 volunteers constructed almost two miles of the Elizabethtown Meadow Trail. The terrain […]

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