  • Letter: Temple Bat Yam works at B&B

    Letter: Temple Bat Yam works at B&B

    To the community, On Aug. 15, Bread & Broth served 125 nutritious meals at St. Theresa Grace Hall to those in our community who struggle with hunger. Thanks to the generosity of Friends of Temple Bat Yam, the dinner’s adopt a day sponsor; the diners enjoyed a tasty Mexican casserole prepared by B&B’s amazing cooks. […]

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  • Opinion: Resources needed to battle Nev. opioid epidemic

    Opinion: Resources needed to battle Nev. opioid epidemic

    By Tom Vilsack and Brian Sandoval In Nevada and across the country, opioid addiction is a fast-growing problem that disproportionately affects rural communities. New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows opioids were involved in 28,648 deaths in 2014, meaning more Americans are dying from drug overdoses than in motor vehicle crashes […]

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  • Letter: UNR speaks out on Kaepernick

    Letter: UNR speaks out on Kaepernick

    To the community, The Reno-Tahoe International Airport and Wolf Pack Athletics have been in discussion regarding an announcement to update the Wolf Pack wall at the airport. Three years ago, the wall was designed to allow for updates and the new display materials will support an exciting announcement coming within a few months. Until then, […]

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  • Opinion: Why is pot still a Schedule I drug?

    Opinion: Why is pot still a Schedule I drug?

    By Nathaniel P. Morris, Scientific American On Aug. 11, the Drug Enforcement Administration announced its decision to keep marijuana classified as a Schedule I drug. The federal government has historically referred to this category as the “most dangerous” group of substances, including drugs like heroin and bath salts. As a resident physician specializing in mental health, I can’t make […]

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  • Editorial: Time for all of Nevada to get along

    Editorial: Time for all of Nevada to get along

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Aug. 28, 2016, Las Vegas Sun. Between possibly attracting the Oakland Raiders to Las Vegas, expanding the Las Vegas Convention Center and making major improvements in our public transportation system, Southern Nevada could be on the cusp of an exciting new era. But as work intensifies to bring […]

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  • Opinion: SLTPD new look, SWAT operations

    Opinion: SLTPD new look, SWAT operations

    By Brian Uhler The officers and staff of the South Lake Tahoe Police Department have undertaken a review appearance of the SLTPD vehicles and have concluded with a new design. The new look depicts our patch, which we are all proud to wear. The background includes a mountain scene which represents our good fortune to serve in […]

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  • Opinion: Big Foot is worried about California

    Opinion: Big Foot is worried about California

    By Bigfoot (as told to Joe Mathews) Some people doubt my existence. But, my fellow Californians, I’m one of you. And as I travel widely, my fears have grown about our home state. My anxiety is not because of all the people who claim to have seen me, but because I’m seeing far too much […]

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  • Letter: Government needs to stop geoengineering

    Letter: Government needs to stop geoengineering

    To the president of the United States, Sens. Reid, Feinstein, Boxer and Gov. Brown, Welcome to Lake Tahoe on this occasion of the Tahoe Summit. As you gather to consider matters related to the precious unique natural environment here, I ask you to speak to what we know is harming all of life; geoengineering and […]

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  • Letter: United effort to help Lake Tahoe

    Letter: United effort to help Lake Tahoe

    To the community, We welcome President Obama to Lake Tahoe, which is admired for its great depth and clarity and beautiful alpine surroundings. As Tahoe’s public water agencies, we are hard at work on a water infrastructure initiative to enhance critical preparedness needs and hazard mitigation in the wildland urban interface against the threat of […]

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  • Opinion: Trying to be American and Indian

    Opinion: Trying to be American and Indian

    By Rosalyn Eves For the first few years of her life, Sarah Winnemucca, who was born around 1844, did not know that she was American. Born Thocmetony (Shell Flower) among the Numa (known among whites as the Northern Paiute or “digger” Indians), she roamed with her people over western Nevada and eastern Oregon, gathering plants […]

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